My transition from traditional to digital medium is not easy as I thought to be but I'm still trying to learn the basic anatomy of human body and its expression also I've studying the anatomy of animals from time to time if I get bored with the human anatomy.
I will post my sketches and Illustrations digitally as a part of my progress blog and how far I've come and I'm still aiming to emulate my old drawings, you can't compare yourself to others since everybody has a different path or story in their lives your competition should be yourself to be better than yesterday and see others you look up to as an inspiration for your improvement not just in art but in general. I guess we gotta practice everyday too if we want to see our improvements.
Steemit is a good way to post your progress regularly while making something out of it.
I mean I got the attraction of steemit when people upvote or like your article you can also feel something that makes you happy or empowered yourself with motivation and it keeps you going.
Illustrations and daily sketches
Ratatouille Inspired
A simple Illustration of Polar Bear in the arctic
Some Disneylike female character

Victoria Bergsman. I actually traced this and practiced the human anatomy in a different way which is something new for me and It worked out but I didn't feel any accomplishments to it maybe that is just me but I will try to write an article about this.
Rough Sketches
Was Inspired to sketch some random dragons after seeing some cool dragon illustrations on pinterest, yes I use pinterest as my source of inspiration and instagram. SMAUG!!!!
Also having the kink to sketch Centaur's and Fauns.
Rapunzel is definitely my fav disney princess to draw lol.

Bone structures are really helpful in 3D dimensional drawing since you will be more aware of the human anatomy and their expressions.
I don't know maybe it's just me that I am having hard time with the tablet or I wasn't enjoying much compared to doing it traditionally but I was in a slump and having a hard time finding a way to enjoy it in a consistent way but luckily I'm getting the hang of it and having good time sketching I mainly use photoshop now since it is more convenient and I have a better feel into it.
The perks of drawing digitally is that it is easier to illustrate because you can undo it and move certain pieces without redrawing it, it is really essential also adding a few tricks with the editing skills you have to enhance your drawing or illustration. I guess the only con I could give is that if you are too reliant on doing art digitally it might affect your traditional drawing skills but not all time like you will be more likely to rely on flipping the canvas in order to have an comfortable way drawing the angle of your model but in traditional way you can't do that you may have a hard time performing it but that's the only little minor con I have which is very minimal.
Thank you for reading my article
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I'm aiming to be better than yesterday hope we can do this journey together of becoming a better individual than yesterday.