Good morning Friends, this topic is simple but it has been very controversial and I assure you that it is very productive to get soaked about it.
What do you think ???
Will it be good or is it bad ????
I dont know; if you have some information or rather; They have some doubts, but I invite you to discover or reaffirm the information available regarding this topic, as I am a lover of plants, I have already placed aloe in the rooms, but not before verifying what is said about it.
Many claim that in the room; it is not advisable to have plants because they consider some points of view in which they affirm that it is harmful, toxic or harmful to health; but when making a decision regarding this aspect we must take into account the pros and cons; Which is why I asked myself a question
The negative aspects that indicate having plants in the room range from affirmations that ensure that they reduce oxygen in the room and that this at bedtime, cause you can not breathe well, they also say that make you sick, they point out that they accumulate large amounts of dirt, dust or insects, among other things.
So plants are a factor that only bring benefits to your bedroom and your life; you must take into account the following:
1.-) The plants in the bedroom are perfect for improving physical and mental health. It is incredible the great benefits they bring to your rest space, nothing else just seeing them will bring you well-being.
2.-) It has been scientifically proven that a person will not have respiratory problems or lack oxygen by having them close to bedtime, but on the contrary, the plants in the room, offer a relaxing feeling, which gives peace and tranquility , very necessary to help you fall asleep.
3.-) When sleeping with plants in your room; you have to keep in mind that you can choose some easy to cultivate and simple in their care, so only provide a presence as an element of harmony, instead of being a work more in sight.
4.-) You must choose small pots, as well as the type of plants that you are going to place in the room and for no reason you must convert your bedroom into a garden; this to prevent damaging elements such as dust accumulation, plants with very strong odors, also keep in mind that large pots can host insects, but if you choose plants that also contribute with their presence aromas and sights that promote relaxation or improve breathing .
5.-) You must choose those that have narrow leaves; because they require less oxygen and do not accumulate as much dust. Similarly, it is important to open the windows to renew the air every so often and that the plants receive some light, which is another vital element for them or try to spend a few hours outdoors, on the balcony or patio.
LAVENDER: Its aroma is very relaxing, it slows down the heart rate, lowers blood pressure and fights stress and that is why it is one of the most used plants to reduce anxiety and induce sleep. Its aroma can even soothe the crying of babies, that's why this fragrance has been incorporated into baby cosmetics.
JAZMIN: It is shown to reduce anxiety, because it calms the body and the mind; this effect not only has to do with the aroma, but with the white color of the petals of its flowers, which transmit peace and quiet, at bedtime.
GARDENIAS: Studies indicate that it helps to achieve a better quality of sleep, even comparing its effectiveness with that of Valium. It can improve, the symptoms of asthma and allergies.
INGLESE HILE: According to the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, reported that English ivy eliminates 94% of the feces in the air and 78% of mold in the air in just 12 hours. So this plant is ideal to improve the quality of sleep, especially that of people who have difficulties respiratory.
LILY OF PEACE: It is another plant that according to NASA, purify the air: because it helps filter harmful components such as benzene, trichlorethylene, and formaldehyde toxins. In addition, its flowers can increase the humidity of a room by up to 5%, which is beneficial for sleeping; because it suppresses the microbes transported by the air that usually cause allergies; helping to alleviate that irritated dry throat and nose; They keep you awake all night.
SERPENT PLANT (Leon's or Mother-in-law's tongue): It is one of the most purifying plants of the air in general, it emits oxygen during the night while at the same time it takes the carbon dioxide; It can clean the air of particles of formaldehyde, trichlorethylene and benzene, toxic and carcinogenic substances that are present in adhesives, enamels and cleaning products.
ALOE VERA (SABILA): NASA catalogs it as one of the main plants to improve the air, because it works similar to the snake plant; that emits oxygen at night and that's why it promotes a more restful sleep.
Having into account all these tips and all this information that I investigate out there, I do not know; if you were convinced, but I'm going to start my search, to incorporate plants in my bedroom and help us improve the quality of sleep and rest of my family, and aloe vera, has been present in our room, but currently, I only have very small ones in my daughter's room, I will renovate it and put it back in the main room and so we will enjoy a beautiful element of nature near our place to sleep and rest.
I hope you liked this blog, I hope many are motivated to put your pot in the room and if anyone does, I hang the photo here, now I just need to say goodbye, wishing you a happy start to the week, until the next publication. God bless you.