A lot of talk lately about all sorts of initiatives our there which take Steem and offer something else.
Kind of interesting, definitely something to watch and learn from, no doubt about that. Every new endeavour offers new experiences and new opportunities for some and maybe for all included.
Idk, can't comment any further on this, time will tell. As everything in life, the short term is short term, it is in the long run that the lessons are learned.
Good ol' "Trial and Error".
But what I keep thinking is that while we have a working and already well evolved Steem ecosystem, even without the planned SMTs, it is definitely something that is worth thinking about in the long run of things.
So far, in the short term Steem has survived all the ups and downs of the crypto markets, it has gone through the bulk of the first five years that a business has to go through to know if it shall survive or not and we have something that practically no other blockchain has = active communities.
With all the new projects out there that are hooking up to our Steem blockchain as a ledger and incorporating our Steem ecosystem into their daily dealings, no matter if they are commercial/business related or more towards other niches such as entertainment i.e games, Steem really has all the makings of a crypto token with a long term existence and real life use cases.
Now, idk about what others may think, my thoughts are very straight forwards:
I want to buy Steem.
Hodl, invest, speculate, use (utilize) and everything else that Steem already has to offer and all of what it shall offer in the future, especially once the SMTs get incorporated into our ecosystem.
It was extremely delightful to finally hear from Steemit inc. how SMTs are next on the agenda of priorities.
Gave me such a "warm and fuzzy" as I like to say.
Also made it clear to me that I don't need to "experiment" with anything that mimics Steem, but can sit back and relax as I know that SMTs are going to happen in the imminent future.
Although, in all honesty, after HF20, and the experiences we had there, I am doubtful that all this will happen without a few dramas or headaches. Just being up front about it all. Don't want to be misleading.
However, what project out there has ever been implemented without the teething issues?
So all that is nothing "negative" it is literally a normal stepping tone to achieving goals.
Again, felt like I needed to share these thoughts with everyone and want to get them noticed, all in the hope that by sharing ones thoughts others may see another persons angle on some things, without any drama or finger pointing, just plain old "friends talking with each other about something we all have in common".
I hope that you can take some of these thoughts and chew on them and maybe they can help in your thought process and analysis process of what all is happening and what you may or may not want to do!
Yours truly,


Well, thanks to the team behind S-E, we already have a prototype of SMT.
The longer Steemit.Inc is waiting — the harder will be for them to be impactful with their SMT launch.
Posted using Partiko iOS
Hopefully you can upvote lots of your own comments before then
I count on this too...
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Posted using Partiko Android
We are in top-60 since the time of Steem existence. There were huge masses of ICOs flowing into the market, competition has risen since and we manage to deal with it even having our issues. It’s good that we have them, I believe these issues is what makes our blockchain evolve much faster and grow even more muscle. Hope investors will look at it more than going with one-time “cool projects”. So much money go around and doesn’t flow into the best blockchain ever which is Steem
cool post thanks for sharing !
It sure is very exciting knowing that SMTs are finally on the way. However, a plethora of delays and subjective failures of steemit inc. to act upon the right decisions, combined with the fact that there is never a loss in investing steem while there are so many other places and ways to make money, there is an increase in "experiments" and "competition" budding from this very blockchain.
There is nothing wrong with experiments and competition, but if the experiments and competitions from our very own steemians has the agenda of planning something along the lines of not wishing well for STEEM itself, it is not a good look.
As you said, only time will tell. I hope everything goes well and we can see the unstoppable rise of this blockchain again.
Competition is good, as long as our governance can keep up with it!
I was waiting to get some hope from someone. I thought steem was gonna and wasn't gonnna survive in the coming years. I almost gave up to be honest lol. Thanks for the info. Think I need to buy some coins
Im glad I found your post! As a new steemian trying to understand this platform and reading older posts to catchup on things the situation/future of steem can come off as dire...I decided to stick with Steem anyways cause it seems fun and Its an idea I want to support. Always good to see someone else have a positive outlook ty!
Perfect timing to give a totally different view on things, especially after reading this Drama Queen post:
It is a wrong analysis in my opinion. I am buying SP but I am always powering down nevertheless and I know some of the people mentionnés that actually increased their stake while “powering down”
Posted using Partiko iOS
There are many things happening with accounts owned by the listed people, so to go out and do a "I want some attention" type of post is just not good enough when "presenting facts".
But then again, what do I know, I'm just a "coconut"!
Thank you for the reply ;). Things are happening on Steem and we got a BIG community 😃
Posted using Partiko iOS
Yes looking very much forward to SMTs being released after waiting so very long.
Posted using Partiko Android
I didn't know it was still a thing until browsed my bookmarks honestly. I left this platform years ago. Time to return. Maybe?
I'd suggest a return. The community could always use more members
In life, there is always test of time. Steem has experienced its test of time and is able to withstand till now. More is still to come, so lets be hopefull
Steemit is a way of life, I’ve only been here a short while and I’m extremely excited to get into all the nooks and crannies, see what the real capabilities of a platform like this can do WOOHOO STEEMIT
Posted using Partiko iOS
In my particular case, I was about 9 months without using the platform due to travel and problems with the internet connection. When I reconnected less than a month ago, I was surprised how everything had changed, thanks to this type of publications, I'm catching up and I don't lose hope on Steemit.
Posted using Partiko Android
Posted using Partiko Android
SMT's are just useless add on shit coins to the already shitty steem ecosystem. SMT's are not going to save this place.
They will make possible what was not possible to date and shall be part of the economics of Steem, so in many ways your opinion is debatable, but none the less, you do have a very valid point.
SMT's are not going to be a "wonder drug" that shall make Steem go to the moon.
But they will definitely contribute immensely to it!
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Thank you for this helpful thoughts, but will SMT ever be launched? We're all anxiously waiting for this.