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RE: Do You know what a Minnow really looks like?? - Ulog#10

in #ulog7 years ago

I concur!! Definitely rays over tropical fish but i would take either over a Minnow!!

Minotaurs would obviously be totally badass and the best choice out of the loft. But i guess to keep inline with the theme (coz it makes people feel better) rays, specially mantas, for the win!!

Also of we are as badass as thee plankton then i guess it aint too bad.

Aaah dont get me wrong i dont just coment on anything and everything, i look for stuff i like and users with potential common interest that i can ptob tolerate and have some banter with, like we have been doing. Its not a free for all! It aint that kinda party. Plus im generally a lazy person and we dont do things the hard way, rather the smart way!!

I also have been trying to post everyday as i won a moonbot sub so didn't want yo waste. And then there are competions!! Winning is addictive!! But i also have slowed my role a bit and doing it on my own steem.

Plus i think this rant was rather relevant!! It had to be put out there for the SteemIt gods to consider!! Glad you enjoyed it and it didn't make your eyes bleed!!

Lol i also struggle with your name, i always forget the second E, you should have just gone woth penis since yoy really want to use it. Party pants is not far off though!! I break them out when necessary 😜

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