Downloading more internet

in #ulog7 years ago (edited)
If you are reading this and you are somewhat normal, you must be wondering what I'm doing awake at almost 2am in the morning. I currently don't have a really good answer. But, in between listening to a heated discussion happening on Palnet, and contributing with a point or two, I started to think about how it's almost silly that some people have no idea what to write about sometimes, what to post.

I mean, don't get me wrong, it's not like I've not been there myself. But, that was long before I ever found this place, long before I ever got involved in discord and met the hundreds of quirky characters that constitute the discordian fabric. Why would I run out of things to say, when every freaking day I'm having discussions with people? Why, when every single day there is a battle of ideas somewhere?

You may think I'm being a bit insensitive at the moment, specially because I'm saying in simple terms that there is not really that good of an excuse to not stay active on the platform, and you would have to forgive me for being that blunt, but... it's true.

Now, maybe the trick is not thinking too much about it, maybe the trick is letting the ideas come out, letting the keyboard sort of speak, take over and just take a shot or two of the "f-it" booze... Maybe. But, I think what happens with many Steemians is that they worry a little too much about being polished to the point where they are forgetting that those who truly support them, are doing so because of the person behind the veils of perfection.

I don't know, maybe I'm idealistic, but then again, this is me being brutally honest with this blog, with the people who take a gander in here almost everyday.

Today in helpie's hangout @tcpolymath who does a ton of curation said a phrase that I thought was so right on, I've decided to steal it, as I'm doing right now. (thanks Poly)

"When reading a post, I wanna know why it's important to you... if you can transmit that, then its a good post"

I'm paraphrasing him but its 2am, so forgiveness must be granted... (I've submitted the paperwork)

Anyways my friends, don't stop posting, don't fall of the wagon, take Poly's words to heart and just be you, be genuine, and keep on Steemin.

Much love

• Helpie meeting, just being silly
• Well... that's irregardless of nothing
• Open Mic Week 98 - Top 5 Selection and Honorable Mentions
• No more duckface for me...
• I think I see the problem...


I try not to be that polished perfectionist, working on losing knots. But true is that people that used to comment and encourage have gone mute too, the silence is sometimes ominous and that is more concerning than price.
As I said somewhere a while back
Still here
So success

Still here... i pictured this!! <3


still here plaguing you all :)

Thanks for dropping this wisdom doggie. I’ve been on a little break for a week or 2 and I kept having ideas for posts but I think I fell victim to exactly what you mention here. I get this sense that if I post something without a video in it it’s got to be some kind of pullitzer prize worthy shit or something.
I don’t really ever post unless I have music to share but I think thats going to change now.
I guess I’ve always been more of a reader than a writer but I think it’s time to learn to type. Literally I still can’t type.

Im glad it helped a bit... just be you brother.. that's all you can be anyways.

Thats the truth.

I am here since 5 days without internet, fighting hard living in Venezuela is a lot of hard work.
Good content sometimes is a simple photo, three words, someday we will create a block and while we upvote it pay; it´s happening know.

keep up the good fight my friend...

It is hard but here I am.

Definitely. I've equally always been stranded on steemit until I started becoming active on discord. I get into alot of conversation daily and that alone brings up posts.
Apart from creating posts, it helps in developing posts. Communities get active on their groups on discords and chat groups too.

This post just sent alot of truth across, it's left for the viewers to put them into practice.

discord and communities have made all the difference in the world to me... i probably would not still be around one year later if it wasn't for it.

Estimado amigo, yo apenas tengo 6 meses en Steemit, pero como lo he dicho antes: "me ha cambiado la vida"Soy de las personas que piensan que cuando la moneda está baja hay que invertir para cuando suba, pero no solo invertir dinero, sino también tiempo, esfuerzo, conocimiento imaginación, y poner al servicio de la plataforma todas nuestras habilidades y destrezas para mejorar como familia cada día.
Espero y deseo que hayan mas personas que piensen como yo.
Gracias @meno
Dear friend, I am only 6 months old at Steemit, but as I said before: "It has changed my life"I am one of those people who think that when the currency is low you have to invest for when it is low, but not only invest money, but also time, effort, knowledge, imagination, and put at the service of the platform all our skills and abilities to improve as a family every day.
I hope and wish that there are more people who think like me.
Thank you @meno

Thumbs up! Nice read bro.

Definitely we can write about anything, there is a lot of things we experience every day that can translate into a post. I think many people think that not all of that can be interesting enough, some people are waiting for a great theme to write about, I can undestand that because not all of us have a faithful base of followers willing to read each mundane post we put out there, but I know that in theory we can write about many things.

someone said to me a long time ago, that there is absolutely no way that everyone can like you... i think accepting that is liberating. I've been called a shitposter, so what? I enjoy writing, and I will continue to do so.

I believe that I can comfortably write four articles per day if I'm not busy or being lazy. However, the process might not be the same for everyone@tarazkp buttressed on your point in one of his latesg articles.. And like you said people are thinking about it too much. I have more than 10 articles and short stories waiting for me to complete. In my case, it's not the lack of ideas but the discipline to stick with imone long enough to finish an article. The whole internet is streaming with ideas i.e twitter, facebook, medium, everyone is talking about something, all you need do is key in.

I plan out my posting like I do the radio shows... I have no plan... it's the best! hahahahah

I believe that I can comfortably write four articles per day if I'm not busy or being lazy. However, the process might not be the same for everyone

that is impressive!

that is impressive!

Thank you.

was trying to think of some type of "theme", but just decided on posting my mind & exposing some of my random thoughts & ideas - however unpopular