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RE: Heart of Ulogs to me - Ulog Day 8

in #ulog7 years ago (edited)

As far as my job was concerned, there was a time when it fulfilled me. But then the company got greedy. They saw what I did for them, and wanted me to have that kind of touch with everyone. They got more and more and more clients - and made me their mouthpiece for them all. I worked harder, longer, fuller - for them. I foolishly opened the vein and held it to their mouths. They licked their fangs and drank more.

I found us so similar in this aspect because when I joined Steemit I was at my lowest point. The job that I loved burnt me down to nothing as I gave everything to them, I was working 14-16 hours a day, I devoted my every waking moment to them and I was their face of engagement to their employees. I was the Chief Engage Officer tasked by the real CEO to make sure the employees were happy and I loved it.

Then politics reared its head. Things got so bad in the office that it became a battlefield. I did not want to play the game and just focus on my task but people who wants to put you down dont care if you do not want to play by their rules. To them you are a target.

So I decided my peace of mind was better than a paycheck. My morals and beliefs more important than a title. I left to their glee. Until now though people still come for me for advise because they know what I stood for and know that I genuinely cared for them.

So even if I am no longer there the connection remains. Just like you believe how the connections and lives we change in steemit is important.

The money is a good bonus but the relationships we shared is a priceless treasure.

So when people first heard about Ulog some thumbed their nose because the people doing it are those people that they deemed inferior. There were dummy accounts that were created just to harass and downvote people because it was the only way that they felt good among themselves.

People cried and was shocked to be attacked in such a way and I remember Terry comforting these people saying that do not mind them because for everyone person that hated you there were 5 uloggers that would comfort and love you back because we are your true fans and you are a celebrity in our eyes.

This motivating principle of our boy Terry made me feel that it was a cause worth fighting for, So even if my content will not win any Pulitzer prize in writing it is important to me because I made it. It is fresh and most of all it is from my heart and mind.

Thank you Dreemsteem for being there and you inspired the inspirer with you voice, your words and the heart that belongs to Dreemie!

P.S. I hope you would consider Helpie we are not so strict that you would need to spend so much time with us. We just want to be there and help you in your journey and if you give us a cookie we will be happy! especially @paintingangels

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As I read your comment @maverickinvictus - it was IDENTICAL to my story. oh my goodness - almost in every way.

Yes - when I handed in my resignation - the CEO called my home 4 times in a row (i wouldn't pick up until the last time) to beg me to stay. But no- nothing would change. It was time to value my health and my well-being and move on.

ad you're so right! you are SO right. the connections made there were priceless (and yes - i got texts and whatsapp messages asking me for advice - and emails for the longest time from employees and clients asking me for help. sigh. sad sad situations)

I was so happy to give my love today <3 hoping that Terry felt it!

and yes - I will still consider Helpie! I'll have to talk to @paintingangels this week and find out what kind of time commitment (as I am up now... and I just finished a voice message for someone where I fell asleep on them 4 times in the conversation... it was HILARIOUS. Today is my one day a week to catch up on sleep. so 8 hours will be had tonight! hehehehe)

but -yes - i'll make a point to reach out to her this week!!! <3

Thank you for such a beautiful comment and I love our connection!