I missed the birth announcement!!!!!!! I'm going to find it now, but Congratulations!!!
It's funny how different each birth is, too. Elaina - two babies ago - was just a rough birth for whatever reason and it took me several weeks to get back on my feet. Then Daniel came, he was bigger, he was late, I was older...and I felt great after his birth.
Now, Elaina was posterior...hm. Maybe that's the key. Yeah, my back hurt for several days afterward.
Thank you!
Yes it’s like you never know what to except with each one. Wow that’s something how he was bigger and late but it was easier for you.
Yes I believe the posterior issue has a huge effect. I have never had back pains like that before and I have never felt so “broken”. I feel like if I move the wrong way my hips will break. That and pushing for over an hour just tour me up! 😳 Every time I thought it was over my midwife would say “she’s almost here”...I’m like “she’s not here yet?” 😩😩😩 lol