Last night was a bit weird, and I spontaneously did a video that felt like a ulog, so I figured I’d do my first post. Hope you get a laugh out of it.
The weirdness was mostly because of a mouse called One-Eyed Willie, who seems to think my house is a good place to hang out. Now, my cat has been in this room with said mouse for 24 hours, and the damn mouse is still alive. I have finally captured him in a bucket, and I don’t know what to do with him… his fate is yet undecided.

The cheeky critter crawled up to my bookshelves and now my desk. It even photobombed my Open Mic video! For real!
He ran across my foot at one point, the cat hot on his tail… but obviously not intent on his death. Darnit, cat, you have one job, other than being cute and cuddly, and that is to keep my house free of mice!

Earlier tonight, I tried to catch the mouse and let him out, but there was much jumping and shrieking on my part, and he would not allow himself to be swept into a pot. Then he showed up on my desk an hour later, and I trapped him!
Toby cat accidentally knocked over my guitar stand during the chase, and down went the guitar. I’m not emotionally attached to it, but I’ll miss having a 6-string with a pick-up.
This same mouse was in my house this past winter, but I captured him and let him go. I know it's the same mouse because he’s blind on one side due to his last encounter with my cat... Thus the name One-Eyed Willie.
Last time, I found the little guy cornered, admired his perseverance and how smart he was, felt bad for him, scooped him into something and let him go outside.
Sometimes I’m too nice. It gets me into trouble.
Now One-Eyed Willie is back in my house, and has cost me a guitar! What do I do with him? Do I let him out just to have him come back in? Can I kill a mouse I’ve saved once and now named?
I will probably let him go.
I guess I’m in the market for a new guitar?

This is the first guitar I'll be laying to rest... Kinda sad, but I'm not emotionally attached to it, other than I need a 6-string to play.
I have another 6-string in storage, but it doesn’t sound nearly as good as the Tanglewood the cat/mouse team broke. And neither it nor my 12-string have a pick-up, so…
Looking at the silver lining of this thing, I haven’t gone guitar shopping in ages. In fact, my ex-husband picked out the now-broken guitar over a decade ago, so maybe it’s time to find a new instrument.
This is not really what I need to spend money on right now, but getting a new guitar is sort of a nice idea…
Want to help? Upvotes and resteems are most appreciated. And of course, moral support is always welcome... You are allowed to laugh, though. It's sad, but funny, 'cause it's all because of One-Eyed Willie.
I’m hoping to get an acoustic/electric, possibly a ¾ size or something with a smaller body as I’m little and I think it might be more comfortable.
Thanks for reading my first ulog. I hope you had a bit of a laugh.
Whatever you do, keep singing your song!
Peace. @katrina-ariel
Author bio: Katrina Ariel is an old-soul rebel, musician, tree-hugging yogini, and mama bear to twins. Author of Yoga for Dragon Riders (non-fiction) and Wild Horse Heart (romance), she's another free-spirit swimming in the ocean of Steemit.
dragon art: Liiga Smilshkalne


Saw your post on discord last night on it. Sorry about you guitar. Tom & Jerry the real life version....
For real! It's sad, but it's still funny. Darn mouse! lol! Thanks for the kindness. :)
I will write more later when I'm awake ....... hugs
Thanks for all the love, sweet @snook!
Aw, poor One Eyed Willie! I know you're unsure about how you feel, but it's obvious you've formed an emotional connection to him despite the trouble he's caused. He's kinda cute, even with one eye popped out! I would either catch him again, drive him away to some remote location, and let him go, or get yourself a hamster cage and some food, welcoming him into the family! ❤
OMG I could not keep him. lol! My man hates mice. It's pretty funny, actually. :) I let him go outside. He's pretty smart, so hopefully he learns to stay out of my house, but who knows if that will be the case. Thanks for the comment love. 💖
the damnmouse tag, lmfao ,,,,ooooh you got that gemini wit ;)
Gemini wit, and I didn't give a f when I was doing tags for this post. A little pissed about my guitar, yet still amused by the whole situation. ;)
Oh no, dead guitar. :(
Yep. RIP Tanglewood 6-string. Thanks for caring. ;) 💖
Awww too bad for the guitar, I hope you find another one that you will love too. That one eyed Willie will come back, I am sure :D
Yes, the guitar thing is sad. Also, One-Eyed Willie didn't make it, which is also sorta sad. But he got a good burial. I've been wanting a new guitar for a while, so I guess this means it's time to start seriously looking.
haha, I just caught a mouse for my mom in her garage the other day! They are a pain to catch. We saw a few in the house we stayed at in Missouri as well. Every time I read the name 'One-Eyed Willie' I keep thinking of the Goonies movie, lol
Mice are so fast! And this one was such a good climber and jumper. Yes, One-Eyed Willie is definitely a hat-tip to GOONIES! This mouse would've made 'em proud. ;)
Lol sad but funny! It's better to laugh on this kind of situation, hope you find a new guitar soon!
Yes, it is absolutely better to laugh. I'm gonna get my other guitar out of storage tomorrow and see what kind of shape it's in. Hopefully it still sounds good. lol!
This is why I only keep feral cats around the farm. Unless they hunt, they're just demon-spawn plotting to kill us. LOL
lol! Well, Toby cat is incredibly sweet, and has been good at catching things up till now... But yes, a little bit more instinct would do him good in this case.
Toby The Cat got the wrong memo — he wasn’t ‘sposed to hurt your precious guitbox! One-eyed Willie’s kinda cute, even if a nuisance.
BTW — with just a lil’ reworking, this would make a great children’s story. 😉⭐️
lol! Yes it could, you're right. And yeah, Toby cat didn't mean to bump my guitar stand. Oh well. It'll be fun to look for a new instrument. :) 💖
Need new guitar!!!! 100% upvote to help you get there hehehe
Thanks so much, my friend! Yes, need new guitar. 💖
Ouch, losing an instrument hurts! I'm not sure that I could ever do it. I feel attached to all of mine...
I can understand that, especially since you play yours more than I do, methinks. ;) I've neglected this guitar a lot, and now that I'm finally playing it again, it breaks. BUT, it was chosen by my ex, and maybe it's time to go pick out a new one myself. I'll just keep it in the case when I'm not playing it. lol! 💖
@tipU voting service | For investors.This post received upvote from @tipU :) |
i gave my 2 cents for the broken guitar, so sorry about your instrument
Aw, thanks my friend! At least it wasn't my 12 string. ;) 💖
We gladly answer your call!
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My guitar broke almost at the same spot as yours, and so sorry to see that! Oh the mouse, if I see it in the house, I probably scream so loud that neighbors will come running :-)