I woke up this morning because of the commotion made by my dorm mates and at the same time my co-workers. Some of them are complaining that they are experiencing stomach aches and headaches. I realized that I am having an intense headache as well. The pain I was feeling is a bit unbearable that I have to take meds to ease it somehow.
It was just 4:00 am in the morning here in Saudi. Too early to wake up for work but we are awaken by the physical aches that we are feeling. One of our dorm mates then concluded that it might be because of the food that we have eaten last night.
A friend bought a humba, a Filipino food from Cabalen, one of the Filipino restaurants here in Saudi. We all ate it last night but I just had a small portion of it. Maybe, that’s the reason why I am only experiencing some headaches, unlike my other dorm mates who are experiencing stomachaches.
Before reporting on our respective duties, we immediately relayed our situation to our employer. That’s when we were bought to the hospital to be examined and to get some medications. It turned out, all of us are experiencing food poisoning and the culprit of our pains is the humba that we have eaten last night. Unfortunately, we haven’t taken a shot of such viand nor did we have any left overs of it.
Our employer said that the restaurant can be sued for causing this food poisoning. Worse, it can be closed if proven that the negligence is on the Cabalen restaurant’s part. This is how strict the laws of Saudi Arabia is.

Thankfully, we are feeling a whole lot better at the moment. We’re given these meds to prevent the bacteria caused by the food poisoning to spread or totally harm us. As part of our work contract, all the hospital fees are being shouldered by our employer.
To my fam, there’s no need to worry. I am feeling better right now. I love you all, please send my regards to my beloved Philippines. Miss you sis @smaeunabs
Sending my virtual hugs and kisses from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,

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Te kuyawan gyud baya mi. Amping mo diha sa inyong gikaon pud.
mao sad lageh ding, amping sad mo diha. Okay nami nakagawas nami ospital