I just viewed some of your post... And what got me to comment on this one was a common thing that I found more relevant to talk about it here!
Your posts are full of color and life! I just really enjoy to scroll among your photos, again and again!
I think it's because you are, as a personality, full of life! The lens is just expressing what's behind your eyes and within your soul...
As I'm writing this I'm also scrolling through the photos on this post again... Seems I got a little thirsty for the beauty you put on this post! So I need to satisfy my eyes with that!
And that final phrase just got me:Dear @brittandjosie!
Consistent Actions Create Consistent ResultsI'll keep an eye for your posts to become more excited and ALIVE! as you are!
Like wow !! what a great compliment! I like the way you think and you know what I love photography that is to be seen in my blogs I always hoped and now I got this comment , a sign to go on !