
It is not a matter of what you should write sister, it is what you love to write about. There are people here that writes about what they think wales or curation groups would want to get them upvoted but I find that tiring and artificial. It should be organic something you should be really passionate about. If you are passionate about your country, your livelihood, your culture or even your hobbies you should write about them. That is the beauty about steemit since everyone is unique in his or her way all articles written are unique and fresh giving readers a different perspective each and every time (of course this is not the case if you just copy someone elses work).

Take for example me. I love new stuff blockchain, cryptos, computer, IT and games that is why I write about them most of the time. Since I know there are opportunities in this space I share them so that other people will be able to leverage them and earn something from it. Not only in money terms but also in knowledge. Knowledge is not a monopoly of anyone and it should be shared to everyone. It is freely available information here in Steem. Yeah there are some bad post here and there but in general there is a wealth of information here in steemit that will help you succeed in any endeavor you want to participate in.

If the topic you want to learn about is not in steemit do not fret. It is an opportunity. You can make an article about it is steemit using the internet as your research tool you can also engage other steemians and ask them they are usually generally helpful. You may encounter not so helpful ones but we just ignore those.

Remember steemit is just one of the many steem-base applications that was build on top of the Steem protocol. there are many of them where you can share different contents in the platform I have written an article about it several months ago just search what are condensers and you can find it. I am planning to create an updated one since there are several new condensers that came into existence recently.

Okay I did not answer your question directly but gave you a bit of lecture hehehe. To give you a concrete example you can just write ulogs a blog about yourself. Share us your simple joys, heart aches, aspirations, dreams, questions, state of mind.. etc... anything about you. try to use this interface it would be easier you will find a large community there with the same mindset.

Thats a awesome reply friend you are doing a great job please share some tips for me too,hahaha.

ditto LOL