Good night the lovers uloggers all?
how the activities of ulogs friends on this day may be very fun.
Sorry if making a friend uloggers if tonight ulogs friends feel hungry as my post is 🙏
This make it from this morning ... fitting last night stay fried ... pretty for dinner even though this belly mules karna samba tauconya spicy.
I namain risoles kampong, because this is the stuffing is economical ... vermicelli + potato + carrot.
I wrote the recipe of his skin yes ... stuffing tailored to each taste. From 1 recipe can be 13 pieces.
for friends ulogs all who want to record the recipe please friend note below:
by. @damoen
Material :
200 gr wheat flour
1 egg
300 ml of ultra plain milk
Salt to taste
Mix the ingredients above the stir the clockwise so that the dough is not bergerindil.
If msh menggerindil can be filtered.
Then a thin omelet in teflon smeared with oil. I use a spoon for vegetables
1 skin risoles.
After the lift lift and fill in. Fold according to taste.
Do it until it runs out and then dip the risoles that had been to the egg white then to the bread crumbs. Lift and store in the box and put in the refrigerator (I semaleman)
Fry with hot oil
And serve with sambel tauco ❤
Sambal tauco:
10 curly peppers
10 red cayenne (to taste)
4 cloves garlic
1sdm tauco aja ya ... the water ga dipake (I use tauco yg dr Belitung udh salted jd nga pake salt again)
100 ml of water
Smua ingredients above blended until smooth
Then add
White sugar to taste
2 medium grapefruit fruit
Correction of taste until it feels really fit in the meaning of the word sweet, sour, salty yes 👍.
.yupz that's my ulogs activity is cooking activity for today:
Thus the article that I can serve for all friends, may be useful for you. Suggestions and constructive feedbacks you can leave through the available comments fields. If there is something special you can also convey via email in the contact page. Thank you ..
just as much as this article from me about #ulog and #ulog I can give today to my best friend. thank you very much for @surpassinggoogle to this one
not you are trying to say something about your day and use #ulog or #ulogs tag, let's celebrate together
Selamat malam para lovers uloggers semua?
bagaiman aktifitas ulogs sahabat dihari ini semoga menyenangkan sekali.
Maaf jika membuat sahabat uloggers kalau malam ini sahabat ulogs merasa lapar sama postinganku ini 🙏
Ini bikinnya dari tadi pagi... pas tadi malam tinggal digoreng... lumayan buat makan malam walau perut ini mules karna sambel tauconya yang pedas😂 .
Aku namain risoles kampung, karna ini isiannya memang ekonomis... bihun + kentang + wortel.
Aku tulisin resep kulitnya ya... isian disesuaikan dengan selera masing-masing. Dari 1 resep ini dapat 13 buah.
bagi sahabat ulogs semua yang ingin mencatat resepnya silahkan sahabat catat dibawah ini:
by. @damoen
Bahan :
200 gr tepung terigu
1 butir telur
300 ml susu ultra plain
Garam secukupnya
Caranya :
Campur smua bahan yg diatas aduk searah jarum jam supaya adonan tdk menggerindil.
Jika msh menggerindil bisa disaring.
Lalu dadar tipis2 di teflon yg diolesi sdkt minyak.Saya menggunakan sendok sayur untuk
1 kulit risoles.
Stlh mateng angkat lalu beri isian. Lipat sesuai selera.
Lakukan hingga habis lalu celupkan risoles yg tadi ke putih telur lalu ke tepung roti. Angkat dan simpan di kotak dan taruh dikulkas ( saya semaleman )
Goreng dgn minyak panas
Dan sajikan dgn sambel tauco ❤
Sambal tauco :
10 cabe keriting
10 rawit merah ( sesuai selera )
4 siung bawang putih
1sdm tauco aja ya...airnya ga dipake ( saya pake tauco yg dr Belitung udh asin jd nga pake garam lagi)
100 ml air
Smua bahan yg diatas diblender sampe halus
Lalu tambahkan
Gula putih secukupnya
2 buah jeruk kunci uk sedang
Koreksi rasa sampe rasanya bener2 pas dlm arti kata manis, asem, asin ya 👍 .