I was really dreading this supply run, even though things in Leon are a little more settled than Managua for the moment.
I arranged for my friend Erwin to come and drive us. His car has dark tinted windows so is better for me to be out and about in. Less of a target. He said he would arrange to pick up Luciano and Luis on his way over.
At 6:45 am on Friday Manuel and Edwin open the gate for the three musketeers. Good morning hugs all around. Don Manuel holds prayers so we might have a safe trip. The littlest Cling-ons (little ones hanging off legs and neck)want to come too but settle for a promise of a treat when we get back.
The reusable grocery bags? Check. Grocery list/agenda? Check. Mama Castor safely buckled in. Check. Will with Thermos for medicines? Check. All caps on facing backwards? Check. Ready to go.
Luciano and Luis close the gate. It takes two to open and close because it is so heavy. I love the sound of the gate rolling closed on its metal tracks. Reminds me of a train coming down the tracks. When I hear that final “clang” as it closes, I know for certain that my friends and family will be safe while we are gone.
The car is already sagging in the back as we have three large men squashed, shoulder to shoulder, into the back seat looking a tad uncomfortable. All three are 6 foot or taller and very well built. Think 3 full grown Sasquatch sitting in the back of a Toyota Corolla. Not much leg room I’m afraid! Good thing it is not a long trip!

17 of the neighbourhood malnourished mangy rat dogs come out to chew the tires of the car as we are bouncing down the uneven rock-filled dirt road that gratefully is dry today. The usual mud holes are dry due to lack of rain.
We come to a stop at the main highway just as the 7 am bus pulls to a screeching halt to pick up a large group of people heading into the market with their sacs and blue plastic barrels fresh fish. We head on to the beach for a few minutes so mama Castor can gather her thoughts for the day.
Love looking at the ocean, watching the pelicans diving for their breakfast. No ships out on the horizon this morning. The waves pounding up against the coral outcrop. There are a few fishermen casting out lines from the edge. A dangerous place to fish.
Okay, time to get the show on the road. Back onto the highway and off towards Leon. A handful of people waiting for the bus, a few grazing cattle, one lone pig and a scattering of chickens by the side of the road and not much else of interest. No traffic which is odd for a Friday. Very quiet ride.
As we come into Sutiava, we notice a small crowd of people in front of the market, but fewer vendors than usual. Lots of tricyclos milling about, waiting for the bus from Poneloya/Los Pinetas like a school of sharks anticipating a feed.
Most of the businesses are closed as it is still early. But the vet supply is open so we stop to buy dog and cat food. All out of dog food but we can get two bags of cat food. Price has increased by 50%! Not good.
Load it into the trunk and off we go. Next stop, my favourite pharmacy.
Oh no! They are closed! Gone out of business. It was run by an elderly couple and I guess this was as good as any time to retire...I will miss them. Okay, on to the next stop.
As we are approaching the Parque de Poetas corner near the centre of town, Erwin suddenly makes a sharp turn to the right and says “Sorry”. I spy at least two dozen heavily bearded men wearing red bandannas and black uniforms, with automatic weapons in their hands sitting in the back of three Hilux 4x4 pick up trucks parked in front of the park. Best to avoid these men in black. They instil fear in everyone. With good reason.
We drive 4 more blocks and come to the Central Market. We pass between the Cathedral and the market to find a parking spot right by the front door. Will and Luciano ran in to buy 4 gallons of glacial acetic acid (100% concentrated vinegar). I use this in various dilutions for softener in the laundry, pickling, homemade cleaning solutions, and of course salad dressings. 10 minutes later, we are on our way to the next stop, the bank.

The guards see Erwin’s car turn the corner and they open the gate to the parking area as we pull up. Will accompanies me into the bank. The guards all know us. We exchange greetings and small talk. Today they have a new trainee with them. Introductions are made and 10 minutes later we exit the bank.
As we are leaving the bank, I am greeted with a big hug from the guy who exchanges money for me, from dollars to Cordobas. We ask about each other families and he asks if I have company today. He tells me it is not safe for us to be out alone. He glances over and sees Luciano and Luis standing by the gate waiting for us. A big smile crosses his face as he nods to the guys. Nice to know everyone is looking out for mama Castor!
Back in the car and on to the next stop. Two blocks down we park in front of my internet provider. Will ran in and paid the bill for the month. The cashier came to the door and waves hello. 10 minutes, the job is completed.
Okay, next, we play let’s find a pharmacy that has supplies. First one is 4 blocks from where we are. We pass Parque de Mercedes and the university annexe. Odd. It is not open. No students, bikes or buses. We had heard that classes were supposed to resume last week.
We pass the casino and La Perla (an expensive hotel) and notice that both are boarded up and closed. We see our computer technician walking past on his way to work. We stop and chat for a few minutes.
I can get almost all the medicines and the first aid supplies we need here. We are short syringes, some blood pressure medication and Vitamin E. Fortunately, there is a second pharmacy across the street and down one block. Will heads off while I wait for my order to be packaged.
Almost success. Short on syringes. There is another pharmacy two blocks behind us on the opposite side of the street. Luciano runs down and comes back a few minutes later with a big grin on his face. He was successful!
Next stop is to pay the water bill. Will and Luis run in to pay the bill. The guy at the counter gives Will an odd look and asks why we are still here. Will answers “We like the beach!” We noticed that no one is talking freely about the happenings here and we suspect it is because of the new law that has passed.
Another 10 minute stop completed and we are off to the post office. Dizzy yet?
Will and Luciano volunteer to go in. 15 minutes later they returned with 5 envelopes from Revenue Canada! Gotta love government! They are asking for more information and tell me I don’t owe them any money for 2017! Yay!
Everyone is ready for a break and breakfast! Time to figure out where to eat. Everyone in the back decides on McDonald’s. My stomach does a slow roll…
Erwin does a slow drive around the Parque de Mercedes looking for a parking spot. Oh, I see my friend, the parking ayudante is out bright and early this morning. He recognises the car and saves us a spot close to the corner. Haven’t seen him for a while so I ask about his health. He is mute, has multiple health issues and this is the only work available for him. He will watch the car while we go for breakfast.
As we walk down the street towards McDonald’s, Will noticed that our French bakery/cafe is open for business again. Two of the waiters are standing in the doorway, inviting us in. No discussion needed. We enter and are escorted to a nice quiet table in the air-conditioned room at the back. Coffees to start?

Yes, please, 5 cappuccinos. And we’ll order now too! Bacon quiches and freshly baked raisin danishes for everyone. Yum! The bakery smells scrumptious! I buy an extra breakfast as we are leaving for my buddy, the parking ayudante.
It is time to hit the streets one more time (cue Brittany Spears). We don’t want to pass the Parque de Poetas, so we go around the block and take a side street. Too late, we see more of the bearded men in black with semi-automatics. We have no choice but to pass them. Thank goodness they are busy, swarming another car. We quickly pass with them hardly a passing glance at us.
The back streets haven’t been repaired since the blockades were removed. Large holes, uneven corners and shallow trenches make it difficult getting from point A to point B. Only six torturous blocks to go.
Past the hospital where there are long lines of people weaving around the block. Looks like the service is even slower than ever since they fired 40 doctors and 60 nurses because they refused to participate in a government rally last month.
Finally, we reach our destination, the Maxi-Pali where we can usually purchase supplies in bulk at a reduced cost for household items and basics. Who know knows, maybe we will be lucky and get everything we need.
We encounter something new. We are interrogated by the parking lot guards carrying semi-automatic weapons.
Why are we here? Where do we come from? How long will we be? What are we purchasing? How much money are you carrying?
Really??? Are you kidding me? Gestapo at the supermarket?
I could see the guys tense up, getting ready to do battle. I really don’t to get into a fight here in the parking lot over this. I step up and tell them as calmly as I can that I am here to buy dog food and a few groceries and that I think I have enough to cover the costs. I have no intention of staying any longer than I have to. I just want the groceries and then I am going home.
I am shaking inside, wondering what will happen next. A third guard appears from inside, speaks to the two that have their weapons pointed at us. After a tete-a-tete, they signal that we could go in. A manager greets us at the door, shrugs his shoulders and tells us it is for the safety of the workers!
I just want to get the shopping done and get out! We split the list up and head off in different directions to get the things we need quickly. Will and I head for the dog food. Out of luck here too. They have some stuff but will only sell it by the pound. That won’t work for us. Geez. Now we are rationing dog food!
The meat department is pretty bare. We manage to get some canned and dry goods. Not much in the veggie department either. We manage to get some unmentionables for my son, other regular stuff such as shampoo, toothpaste and hand soap.
By now I was ready to leave. One cashier for 20 patrons. Standing room only. It takes longer to check out than to do the actual shopping. Pack the car up and head out. I am hearing rumbling from the Sasquatch squad that they are hungry. No one likes a hangry Sasquatch!

Back by popular demand is lunch at McDonald's. I thought I was going to get away with not eating there but it is already past one and I am too tired to argue the point.
The guys decided on the grilled chicken classic club meal. I must say, I was pleasantly surprised. The chicken was actually juicy and tasty. I gave my fries away. They are totally disgusting. And the iced tea was very refreshing. It was noticeably quiet in McDonald’s. Since it is the only one in Leon and the only other McDonald’s in the country is in Managua, this one is usually busy 24/7.
Walked back to the car, which was parked around the back of the Cathedral we noticed more of the pickups full of men in black coming towards the park in front of the Cathedral. Time to head home. This looks like it could be trouble brewing.
Stay tuned for the second part of the Supply run...
Oh man! I'm glad you have protectors, that sounds scary as shit! 😲 I hope you were able to find dog food, too! Much love to you and yours. 💙
Watch for part two tomorrow...
Oh my goodness, Mama C. When this is over, you could definitely write a good novel. Isn't there a saying that everyone has a novel in them somewhere?
I'm guessing since you are writing, you've gotten home. Spoilers. But still.
How strange to have all this upset going on and have to do the mundane chores of paying the Internet bill and the water bill and find dog food...
I call it my life in crisis...part two coming tomorrow.
I think of it as "Mama Castor Braves The Storm".
Good title! LOL
It is so true that it's so crazy that you still have to get out to pay bills. Same thing here. Not automated, have to be paid in person with cash or check. Also, I forgot to mention that I think it's amazing that you have tea as an option at McDs!! We don't have that here...or in many restaurants @cesicastor!
I like Mama Castor better.
Upvoted, resteemed and shared to facebook.
My god, I will be praying for you all.I really had no idea, no idea at all of these conditions. You are describing conditions from a mad max movie, that is horrible @cecicastor.
Thank you so much, @jerrytsuseer. I really appreciate it. It is no picnic, but we try to make the best of a terrible situation. We have our faith and no one will take that away from us!
Where I could send you some money. If that were to open up
For me, how could I safely do that? What bank system do
You use? I don't know if Zelle works internationally.
There is Western Union of course, but they have
Fees. Zelle is a bank-to-bank transfer system
That here at least costs nothing. When I
Get past my current problems, I'd
Send you some funds, if I knew
How and that it would be safe.
I appreciate your support more than any money you could send, Jerry. It is people like you who give me strength on days when I find it most difficult.
I asked; are you on FB? Are we connected there? If I did a gofundme, I don't
Know how I would connect it to you. I'd need at least an email address.
Oh well, you let me know if I can help, if you'd accept it and how
I would get it to you. Love you Mama Castor. @cecicastor
Sorry, Jerry. I am not on FB. But I do know that you can send money to a Canadian bank account which I have. If you have a discord account we can talk privately there. I am cecicastor#9739 on discord. I am honoured and grateful that you would want to do this for me. I appreciate it so much. 💙
I just sent you a friend request in discord mama castor
Can't wait to hear the second half. God bless you guys!howdy @cecicastor! wow what an ordeal but it sounds like it's going pretty well so far.
Thanks, @janton. It is not something I enjoy doing. I would rather be back on the homestead.
good day to you cecicastor..no Ma'am it's too bad you can't just send these other people out there but it does seem like you always run into friends to talk to so that's a good part of it.
I just make the best of a bad situation that I can. No use moaning about it. just get on with it...
yes Ma'am I love your attitude. Too bad more people aren't like that!
I get that from my granddad and my mom. I also can thank grandma for her stubbornness! LOL
haha! then I thank them because it's a great trait to have especially in tough times!
I have read some horrible things happening in Nicaragua @cecicastor.
Venezuela isn't much different, in here we have experience totalitarian repression and the worst economic crisis in our history.
These type of political movements need to be eradicate once and for all, they cause too much harm on innocent people.
I would have to agree. New laws have passed now where people don't dare speak out. For now, Nicaragua may be a little better off for supplies, but we are fast approaching empty shelves and no food. we already have no medical supplies...
Really does sound precarious!
Another Great insight!
special driving experience. All the guys are brown belt, martial artists. I feel very well protected if the need arises, but I am a pacifist at heart and if I can avoid confrontation, I will. That is why some of the evasive routes, not to put us in harm's way. And yes, the day before we go out two of the guys go out on a scouting mission to see which routes will be the least problematic. And we are out only the daylight hours. Eyes and ears are always open, seeking information. Much more difficult now when everyone is afraid to say anything for fear of reprisal.Thanks, @preppervetuk. We are armed. Stun guns, iron batons and handguns. Two of the guys are former military. The driver has
I think you are giving us a real life ongoing lesson in how to live through a bad time. I'm sure a whole bunch of us out here are taking notes.
The ingenuity and foresight you guys are showing is pretty amazing.
Thank you, @lturner. I wish it wasn't necessary to live like this. Long gone are the days when we could go about our daily lives and no worry about strange things happening in our neighbourhoods. Long gone are the days when neighbours would sit out on their front porches at night and chat with each other...
Great to hear that you have a good level of protection.... It sure sounds like you are better prepared than most people, although i bet you would want more...
Procedures and contingencies will be your strength...
Stay Safe
I don't have flack jackets, yet! 😝 It doesn't matter how prepared you think you are...it is never enough. Always have your backup plans B, C, and D. I can't imagine what would have happened if we hadn't been prepared. I am so glad now that we taught my sons from a young age to prep. It is serving them well now. And people 30 years ago thought I was nuts!
You did good!
Aww! Thanks, @preppervetuk!
I'm shaking my head anytime I read your blogs. I can't imagine not being able to move freely and be afraid to walk down the streets. I'm glad to see that the supply run is going well so far and I'm waiting for the second part!
Thanks, @delishtreats. I should have it out today, barring any major distractions...
I read this update with my heart beating fast and my eyes scanning your report wanting your shopping trip to be finished so you could get home safely. What an ordeal!!!!! You are such strong lady Mamma Castor and a calming influence on those around you. Now I can breath a little easier but need to return to hear what happens in your second instalment. I continue to keep you and your loved ones in my prayers dear Ceci. 🌸💖🌸
Thank you, @trudeehunter. It is an ordeal to go out to get supplies. That is why I try to keep it down to once a month. I couldn't do it once a week!
I didn't expect there to still be McDonald's operating in Nicaragua.
Maybe all opposing factions should just sit down and sorts things out over a Happy Meal...
LOL! Might not be a bad idea! That and time playing together in a sand box...
Very glad to hear you are able to keep functioning, even if it is a production. HUGS to you and your family and friends!
Thanks so much, @fishyculture. It takes a lot of planning for these supply runs and even then we run into the unexpected. It is a production, days in planning and thought. Also, need to think about whether or not we can get the supplies and what can be used as a substitute.
I sure hope it settles down soon.
I would hope and pray that it does, but every day brings something new and unexpected...it could go on for a very long time. Last time it lasted 10 years.
OK, I see people putting tags in their replies... How did you do that and what is ulog?
ulog is a community founded by @surpassinggoogle where people post once a day about their daily lives. You use the ulog tag and fellow uloggers can find your posts and upvote them. It is an active community and they have lots of different contests. It is basically to promote engagement.
Very cool! And can anyone just jump in, or do you have to join a discord, or apply?
You sounds like you have decent bodyguards there but damn those shopping sessions seem to get more difficult by the day right?
and some mackieD is nobody dream but for some occasions is perfect (for sure not twice in a day though)
I don't even like it once a month! LOL but my friends love that stuff...
Oh my goodness! I can't begin to imagine! Tip!
It is a really bad nightmare! Thank you for reading and sending the tip! It is greatly appreciated.
Check out @melinda010100 blog here and follow if you like the content :)
@tipU voting service | For investors.
Hi @cecicastor! You have received 0.1 SBD tip from @melinda010100!Thanks tipu and @melinda010100!
Your story had me riveted. Brilliantly written, and scary as hell. Resteemed.
Thanks, @keithboone. I appreciate it. Second part is coming up...
very exciting, but real this time. you be careful. I am glad you have protectors.
Thank you, @rebeccabe. I don't think I want it much more real than this...
I hear you. I often think of you and wish you safety.
I feel like I'm watching a movie when I read your post. It's really scary:(:(
God is good all thet time. HE is protecting you and everybody.
HE is in control Ceci.
The angels are guiding you and covering you with their wings.
I'm glad that you can post online.
Sending you lots of prayers xoxo thinking of you always
Thank you so much, @sunnylife! I appreciate it.
I've been thinking about you. ((Hugs))
Thanks, @debralee. I am trying to stay out of trouble! (hugs)
I always follow with great interest. So many think things like that could never happen here. I sometimes think we are far closer than many realize.
As always wishing you fair weather and happier times especially for the children.
Thank you so much. Thunderstorms are on the horizon today so the kids will be having fun at home.
Looking forward to the second part. It's so interesting to me how even in the midst of craziness, there's a sense of normalcy as well. I'm glad you were able to get some stuff done while you were out and God was definitely protecting you, it sounds like. Know we send up prayers for you!
normal routine, then I am happy.Thank you, @apanamamama. It is my goal to try and keep things as normal as I possibly can for the kids. They are having their childhood ad innocense ripped from them through no fault of their own. If I can provide a little safety, security and love along with a
Holding you in love & light and praying for your continued safety. Thank you for the update. Your writing is so clear and expressive. I look forward to when things improve there for you. Big Hugs Mama Castor!
Thanks, @crowbarmama. I am looking forward to that too but it could be a long time coming. And then will I do for entertainment? 😝
Good morning @cecicastor! Life can get redefined in so many ways during a lifetime. Learning to mould yourself to whatever you are presented with is the absolute key to survival and finding smiles occasionally no matter what! Go girl!! xxxxxxxxx
Thanks, @sallybeth23. I have always been a non-conformist! 🤣
Glad you got most of the things done and looking toward the second half or your trip.
Glad you are keeping safe and that you are surrounded with people that are helping you.
How been they ration dog food. Wish this was over for you, your such an amazing strong lady. Look after yourself and my offer is still open if you need a few pennies ;)
Thanks, Karen. You are a friend indeed! I wish it was over too. This was the first time I have seen dog food rationing. I will take care, my friend. Dragging my buns today. Not sure what's up.
You are welcome anytime.
Your bound to have days like that the stress you are under make sure you rest today and take it easy :)
What is the new law?
Why do you turn your hats around?
Who are the men in black and whats their agenda?
I'm glad that you made it back safely!
No bad mouthing the head cheese (government). Any bad talk or not participating in team sports and it is off to the gulag, no trial. If you are lucky.
The guys always wear their caps backwards when they suspect trouble.
Hired goon squad. Black uniforms with red bandanas over their faces. Not nice men. Shoot first ask questions later type of guys with big guns. Meyham is their game.
We are very glad to be back home behind the walls. Stay tuned for part two coming soon.
This post makes me a nervous wreck. A man in Black at every turn. 🐓🐓
Made me very nervous too. They are not nice men! How are you doing?
When I think about the last few months, and the turmoil you have experienced, my life looks pretty easy. My retirement is a couple of weeks away, so I am trying to tie up lose ends. I have my moments when it’s just too hard to believe it’s going to happen. 🐓🐓
Believe it and enjoy it!
I really hope that you will be all right. I look forward to the continuation.
Coming soon. Today or tomorrow. The internet is spotty for me now.
Your narrative is just simply compelling, @cecicastor. I know you're living all of this, and your intent is to share, but it's very well composed, very detailed, yet quick and on to the next. Probably don't need me to critique the writing with all that's going on but I just wanted to take a moment and appreciate it.
Has there been any signs that things will turn around? Or is that still looking like a far ways off. It seems like it's hard to know who the good and bad guys are in this conflict. And I'm sure that makes it that much more dangerous.
Thank you very much for your kind words. I try not to put in the really gory stuff as I find it difficult to write about.
More laws have been passed this month to restrict peoples movements and rights. I don't know where the government's head is, but it is not anywhere near reality. They are denying everything that has happened and is happening. It looks like we are in for the long haul. The motto around here is to trust no one, ever. It goes everything I believe in...
I'm so sorry to hear about all of that. I do appreciate you leaving the gory details, out though. If it's hard to write, it's also hard to read. I get a pretty good idea just from the narrative you give here what things are like, and I'm surprised that I don't hear more about it elsewhere. Spanish news might be the only way and right now the channel we get is in dispute with DISH, or something. The evening news here doesn't have much to say, and neither does talk radio.
Well, obviously, you have been trusting some people. They seem to love you for it. This is the time where true beliefs are put to the test, and where basic human decency is needed most.
I can only echo the sentiments of others that you continue to keep safe. I think banding together as you've been attempting to do is a good thing, and that eventually it will be what sees you through.
Thank you, @glenalbrethsen. I appreciate the positive comments. I try to stay upbeat but I do have my days when that mountain seems to be growing...
Part one was a real thriller for sure, I hope part two doesn't involve more men in black with machine guns.
You'll have to wait and see. Later today...
Thanks for reading. Up to the beginning of this year, things here were tolerable. But then it was like someone uncorked the bottle and everything went sideways. These conditions could happen at any time in any country.
Thanks for reading. It sometimes makes life a little more of a challenge.
Thanks for reading. It
Sometimes makes life a little
More of a challenge.
- cecicastor
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