I never even realised you could get Kitty theme Tarot cards, one person I know who is really into Tarot is my friend @crazybgadventure although he's on a bit of a break from Steemit at the moment to finish his big extension.
You would get on well with @deadgrlsuppastar and @awesomemike as they are both in Florida as well - so you could chat about the weather or how annoying the traffic is.
Do your kitty cards see anything in the future for the Deranged c0ff33a Witness?
I was wondering what became of Crazyb! We used to chat and comment back and forth quite a bit!
And I love making new friends, thank you so much for pointing me in their direction! I will have to check out their blogs tonight!
And you wouldn't believe the decks that are out there. I came across one set that was all snarky phrases. One said "If you're looking for a sign, here it fucking is." (I need them, I need them badly!) I've even seen some tv show themed ones!
I'll have to consult the kitty cats as to your Witness! Hopefully they will purr!
Thanks for stopping by! :D