Best of luck with the house hunting... I hear the prices are a touch high in Australia at the moment. There really is no substitute for going and seeing the place in person, perhaps it is better to defer until you are both in the right place on the planet?
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The prices are an entire story of their own!
Will leave that for another day.
As for checking out the houses, you are definitely right, if they aren't sold yet and you actually get an opportunity to see the house.
Half the listed houses are SOLD (under offer/under contract).
Yet the listing says nothing. So annoying!
We got hyper lucky when we were looking for a place in Netherlands. Right after a market crash, the seller had just bought a place and needed to sell and their real estate agent had gone bankrupt (so no one else saw it) ... And they had terrible photos!
These days (only a few years later) we have friends that have similar stories to yours. Listing goes up and you are lucky if it hasn't been bought in the first day (or even before the listing...).
Stupid luck sometimes works in your favour! Wishing you the best of stupid luck for you!
Ohhh man, that is fantastic to hear that someone I know did well.
Puts a little smidgen of light at the end of this dark tunnel we are going through right now.
Hopefully it won't be a locomotive!
Oddly enough this is the second conversation that reminded me of this!