Original Photo and Quote
Hi there steemians! How was you day? I hope you're doing well.. Today, I wanted to share with you again my #ulogquoteoftheday on my second day. It is all about my life and maybe it has a common point of view to others.
"Breakthrough Begins when Flaws Were Learned"
No one is perfect in this word, all of us got mistaken, can make wrong decisions, and even make flaws every time. But then, it does not stop in there, we need to move forward and learned from it. We will not lived with it and let it crushed our life. Everyone deserves a chance. limitless chances.
In making breakthrough, we need courage. We need to step out from our comfort zones. We need to try something new in our life. Doing things you haven't done before but not all things though, what I mean is that only those things that can help you grow.
When I started steemit, I admit I do have a very poor post and blog but then along the way of learning with all of my flaws, I made it a stepping stones of learnings and fun. Exploring some greater things in me and not seeing it to anyone else story because all of us can contribute greater things in this community.
Steemit is a social media where you can also earn. Yes, it is right but if our mindset is just all about learning, then think breakthrough will really not come. It needs socialization. We need others, we should interact with other steeians too and learn from them.
I've known this person whose name is Terry Ajayi, well known as @surpassinggoogle. He really helps me to have breakthrough in steeming. He has become a mentor of many, inspiration and constant "Our Boy Terry". Even in being dead, he gives life to many whose losing hope in steemit. :)
Great quote by @jejes. Let me add this. Afterall, we were all created from a "miry" clay and clays are dirty and flawful, but after the skilled hands of the potter, we came out as noble vessels. Thanks for this reminder.