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RE: The U.S. Funded Biolabs in Ukraine

in #ukraine3 years ago

Your thesis statement is patently false. There are no "US-funded" bio-labs.
There never have been.
Not even Russia and China have managed to avoid this fact.

There are 30 "US/EU/WHO/Ukrainian Virological Research Institute JOINTLY-funded" bio labs in Ukraine. Read my deep-dive on this here.

There are four main reasons why the theory of "oh, the US is making bio-weapons in these labs" theory doesn't even come close to making what passes for sense in the Kremlin's usual propaganda. Here they are.

"1) Why So Many Labs? We're told there are thirty of these labs around the country. A biological weapons program would, by its very nature, be one of the most highly classified programs in existence. As anyone who has ever worked in counterintelligence or undercover law enforcement (or even anyone who has planned a surprise birthday party) can tell you, the more people are involved, the harder it is to keep something hidden. The idea that thirty separate facilities could be involved in a biological weapons program and nobody at any of these facilities has come out to make a fortune by selling the full scoop to Russia and China (and no, the tinfoil hat theories they've put forth don't constitute a "full scoop"), defies any hint of credulity. It would take an entire panel of complete monkeys to conceive of anything that self-defeating, and not even Obama's DOD was idiotic enough to accept something with that much capacity for a catastrophic security breach.

  1. Why Ukraine? The US is far from saintly, but one thing they typically are not (elected officials usually notwithstanding) is stupid. Housing something as dangerous as a biological weapons program in a country as underdeveloped and corrupt as Ukraine, bordering a hostile power on almost every side, would not just be inviting disaster, but practically sending it a booty call complete with open-legged nudes and texts reading "I need you now." Not only would the risk of being compromised by a local operative be beyond tolerance, but the constant risk of an accidental release due to outdated facilities or utility outages would hang over the entire facility.
    Plus, how stupid would they have to be to run such a program on the doorstep of Russia, in a non-allied country with (we thought) no capacity to resist invasion by the same? To run such a program in Ukraine would be essentially handing it to Russia on a plate.
  2. Why Are We Just Now Hearing This? If there was a single shred of evidence anywhere that the US was running such a program in Ukraine, doesn't it seem that Russia, having (ahem) "known about" it (read: 'spent years insisting it was there despite zero evidence) for so long, would have made a move before now? Doesn't it seem like this would have been their narrative surrounding the war right from the beginning? Doesn't it seem odd that this claim wasn't brought up again until after Russia realized they were losing the narrative war?
  3. How Did the US Supposedly Hide This? These bio-research labs, which are connected with Ukraine's medical university system, receive funding from not only the US, but the EU and the WHO, and all three subject the labs to routine audits. The EU considers itself a "Strategic Competitor" to the US (Grady), and the WHO has done a piss-poor job of hiding how deep in China's pocket it is (Feldwisch-Drentrup). Ergo, if the US was using these labs to produce bio-weapons, doesn't it seem our self-proclaimed "strategic rival" would have noticed this during an audit of the labs they were partially funding? Does it make any sense that a self-named "systemic rival" of the US would be partially funding a US bio-weapons program?
    And considering how desperate the WHO has been to deflect blame from their Chinese masters, doesn't it seem they would have spoken up about something suspicious in these labs before now in order to take the heat off of Xi?"

Your thesis statement is patently false. There are no "US-funded" bio-labs.

This comment is patently absurd. I linked to the source documents and web pages of the relevant agencies that prove U.S. funding.

There are four main reasons why the theory of "oh, the US is making bio-weapons in these labs" theory doesn't even come close to making what passes for sense in the Kremlin's usual propaganda.

Well that's cool because I never said that bioweapons were being made in these labs. In fact, I stated:

The publicly expressed concern from U.S. officials – in addition to the previous statements about biolab capabilities and the materials that may be stored in them – and the stated purposes of these labs, according to international agreements and the agencies overseeing them, suggests that at least one high-security lab in Ukraine may hold extremely dangerous pathogens and/or old Soviet-era bioweapons that have not yet been destroyed. These pathogens and/or Soviet-era bioweapons could be acquired, leaked or otherwise broken from containment, or deliberately used by either Ukraine or Russian forces during the course of their current conflict.

This is not speculation. We have a factual, documented record of these labs and apparent legitimate concern from the U.S. government that a catastrophic event could occur with the materials at the labs which, based on the evidence, could include bioweapons.

This does not mean that the labs in Ukraine are currently researching and creating new bioweapons. Those accusations have been vehemently denied by the United States and Ukraine and they claim that operations are open to scrutiny by various national and international agencies and institutes.

I didn't bother reading the rest of your comment since it was obvious that you never bothered reading what I wrote or checking the provided source material for yourself.

Thanks for stopping by.