in #uganda6 years ago

Over the years, Tom ever wanted to date the prettiest girl around town. On a beautiful Sunday night, he had a dream that was successful and the remaining part was to embark on it.
Just like how the saying goes, “wake up and chase the dream before someone else hires you to chase it for him”, Tom did not stop from just a dream.


Monday morning, Tom called a friend Dickens whom he an narrated a story of how he wanted to start up dancing groups around town to practice the simple dancing freaks to be able to participate in the Uganda dancing festival season one, luckily enough Dickens bought Tom’s idea and agreed to give him a hand in his career. They started forming groups one by one not until they reached nine groups, the kings, the reveals, the nine steps, the four five, among others.


Later Dickens introduced to Tom a lady called Melisa who he had recommended that she could actually be a good trainer to one of the groups “the kings” in which Tom and Dickens participated in almost all the time.


Previously not only Tom and Dickens wished to participate in the festival, but even other dancing groups were registered the shark, the fire just to mention but a few.


So time came when the practice and the showoff of skills had to kick off, the kings with Tom, Dickens and Trainer Melisa thought they could not only win but also win several others goodies not knowing that the shark and the fire were far ahead of the. When it’s time to show off the dancing freaks. This didn’t just get Tom down because what he thought started beating up with the reality. He thought of giving up but so unfortunate Melisa could not allow him do that.
Tom was a handsome man and more so he had everything that a woman ever wanted from a man.
A long the way, little did anyone know, Tom and Melisa started developing feelings for one another but so un fortunate, no one could reveal the truth to one another. This is because Melisa was a trainer and here Tom was a student.
In the world we are living in, these things are real we men are used to saying women are inferior but men are more inferior in some circumstances. For example when men are subordinates may be in profession category, men tend to fear the high profile women, like for in this case of Tom; he feared Melisa because he was his trainer just like a teacher and a student. Despite the fact that even women may want men at that level they also tend to be fearful.


Tom started missing out on some training while Melisa could not stop visiting and inquiring why he could not make it the previous day. Days, months went by and the kings of Tom, Dickens and Melisa perfected in the dance freaks better than the shark and the fire. Now the groups started developing that negative feeling on one other in the name of competition (beefing) the inferior Tom on his performance had to run away of stage and Melisa had had to follow him up to bring him back to the finale and in the end, they found themselves together kissing and hugging exchanging the sweet words of I love you blah, blah.
Tom later narrated to me what happened and his conclusion was “the dream is answered” he finally got the beautiful Melisa and they are mad together in love.


Dickens and the group continued performing and they had a supper performance becoming the best dancing group and got several other goodies this was double success to Tom, Melisa and the group in general.
I personally love it when one wakes up and chases that dream you had last night


Thanks you for passing through this story
