Jon Jones fails drug test for third time - Is his career over?

in #ufc8 years ago (edited)

News broke last night that Jon Jones failed a drug test ahead of his UFC 214 Light Heavyweight title fight with Daniel Cormier. USADA (United States Anti-Doping Agency) has provisionally suspended him pending a full investigation.


First off, I’m gutted! I’ve made no secret of my admiration of Jon Jones’ talent inside the Octagon. He really looked like he’d turned the corner in his life and was going to go on to do great things.

Now his career looks to be in tatters.

I’m devastated for him and angry at the boy in equally measure. I feel like slapping him up the side of the head and giving him a hug at the same time, big brother style! Because for all his shortcomings I do not want to see his life come off the rails.

The facts

So far there is no official word on what Jones tested positive for. What we know is that his A sample was returned a positive result. His B sample is yet to be tested however it is unusual for the second test to return different results. We know the test was taken between the weigh-in and his fight with Cormier. We know that Jones has been informed. His team have issued the following statement,

We are all at a complete loss for words right now. Jon, his trainers, his nutritionists and his entire camp have worked tirelessly and meticulously the past 12 months to avoid this exact situation. We are having the samples tested again to determine the validity or source of contamination. Jon is crushed by this news and we are doing whatever we can as a team, to support him.


As this is Jones’ second violation he is facing double the usual sanction. He is facing a 2 year ban if he is found to have taken a ‘specified substance’, i.e. non-steroid (double the usual 1 year ban). He is facing a 4 year ban if it is a non-specified, e.g. Steriods, growth human, blood doping (double the usual 2 year ban).

The speculation

It is alleged (by TMZ and other news outlets) that Jones tested positive for Turinabol, which is an anabolic steroid. It is taken orally and aids the development of lean muscle. New tests can detect the use of Turniabol months after it was taken. While this news has been widely circulated, it must be stressed that the identity of substance he tested positive for is unknown. This is speculation at this stage (no doubt driven by leaked information).

The disappointment

The comeback fight against Cormier was supposed to be the ultimate redemption story for Jones. Jones had battled back from hit-and-runs, run-ins with the law, substance abuse and suspensions to once again find himself at the pinnacle of his sport. UFC 214 was supposed to be the rebirth of the Jon Jones era. Super-fight and multi-million dollar paydays lay ahead.

Now, the Jon Jones myth is shattered.

It would be better if he hadn't have come back. Then to have come back, looked so good and then fail a drug test.

The un-closable chapter

However this story does not just affect one man.

We must also spare a thought for Daniel Cormier. The Jones-Cormier saga is turning into one of the most extraordinary rivalries in Sport. Cormier was convalescing, recovering from the most devastating defeat of his career when the news broke. Cormier must have thought the Jon Jones chapter was closed for him. He was beaten twice and on the wrong side of history.

Now he once again finds the misdemeanors of Jon Jones central to his personal narrative.

As told by MMA Fighting’s Ariel Helwani, Cormier was confused when he was first given the news on Jones failed test. However after gathering his thoughts Cormier is sensibly keeping his own counsel, he told MMA Fighting;

"It's hard to find words to describe how I'm feeling right now. I'm disappointed to hear the news. It's very emotional. We as athletes are entitled to due process, and I will refrain from saying much more until I know exactly what happened. In my mind, on July 29, I competed and I lost. I thought Jon Jones was the better man that day. I don't know what to think anymore. I can't believe we are going through all of this again. We will see what happens next. Thank you to all my fans who have supported me during this dark time. I love you all very much.


If Jones’ failed drug test is confirmed his win over Daniel Cormier at UFC 214 will almost certainly be ruled a No Contest. It would also give legitimacy to Cormier’s claim that Jones had taken Steriods the first time they thought. From having being comprehensively beaten twice by Jones in the eyes of many, it could well be that the popular narrative turns out to be that Jones has never legitimately beat Cormier. Also the beating Cormier took at the end of their second fight now leaves a more bitter taste in the mouth, when you consider Jones appears to have been (knowingly or unknowingly) juiced up.

Tainted legacy

Worse still for Jones a cloud could now hang over his whole legacy.

Since the introduction of USADA drug testing programme into the UFC, Jones has failed drug tests three times.

The first time Jones tested positive for cocaine. He tested positive just a month before his first fight with Cormier at UFC 182. It was deemed that his use was out-of-competition, and he was cleared to fight as the drugs in his system were only banned in competition. He later agreed to check himself into rehab.

The second time Jon failed for having two estrogen blockers in his system, which are prohibited and known to be used as post-cycle therapy for steroid users. Jon claimed it got into his system via a tainted cialis pill. Tests run on the batch he took confirmed they were tainted. However he was found to have been reckless in taking the sex supplement and given the maximum ban of a year.

Now, on his comeback fight, he is alleged to have had an anabolic steroid in his system.

The doping indiscretions get worse every time.


Strict liability

I struggle to remain neutral when it comes to Jon Jones. I always want to see the best in people. Particularly someone like Jon Jones whose career I’ve watched since he first stepped into the Octagon. I’ve marvelled with everyone else at his achievements in MMA. He is undoubtedly the best MMA fighter there has ever been, to my mind. He had already destroyed some legendary fighters and it looked like his best was yet to come.

Part of me still wants to believe this is all some massive misunderstanding that can be readily explained. However the truth is Jon Jones is 100% responsible for what ends up in his body.

It is as simple as that.

Having just come back from a violation he should be extra vigilant about what goes into his body. Unless this substance is naturally occurring or there has been an error in handling his sample, Jon should suffer the consequences.

If rumours of anabolic steroids are true, that could easily mean a 4 year ban and effectively the end of his career.

No papering over cracks

Forget the hype around Mayweather- McGregor, this news is a huge blow to MMA that no boxing match can paper over. The two greatest proponents of the sport of MMA, Jon Jones and Anderson Silva have now both popped for steroids in their career it appears. MMA is already struggling for superstars. Jon Jones was one of them. Now arguably only Conor remains.


With every setback it is easy become jaded by Sport.

Everyone’s on Steriods

Nate Diaz once said.

If Nate's words were true, it would not be such a big problem. At least we’d know that everyone was fighting on a level playing field. Even if it is a field of "juice head monkeys" as Conor McGregor puts it.

I like to kid myself that athletes can achieve what they do naturally. Through hardwork, discipline, dedication and a sprinkling of god-given talent. However it’s clear that most athletes walk the tightrope of consuming whatever supplements that they can get away with provided it gives them a competitive advantage.

That's the cold reality.

And with the money involved, the rewards and glory can outweigh the risks of getting caught. Particularly if you or your team feel one step ahead of the testers. These so-called ‘clean’ athletes have nutritionists and scientists that are designed to get them to skirt as close to the rules as possible without violating the rules. These ‘clean’ athletes are not just augmenting their diet with Protein shakes and Creatine. Many ‘clean’ athletes are pumped with all sorts of supplements. The more supplements you take the less you’re in control over what you are exactly putting into your body. And if someone as talented as Jon Jones needs a cocktail of supplements, then what chance do the rest of us have?

Chipping away

Today it was Jon Jones' turn to pick up the chisel and chip away at my enthusiasm for sport. And he did it in the most brutal of sport. Jones should know better. He has been aggrieved at the UFC for allowing Vitor Belfort to compete against him even though they knew he had failed a drug test. He went out of his way to scoff at Cormier suggestions that Jones was on Steroids the first time they fought.

Now this.

Let's see how it plays out. I really hope I'm proved wrong. I hope that I regret committing this article to the blockchain before due process had been carried out. I hope there is some explanation that makes a fool of everyone lambasting Jon Jones today. It would be a small price to pay to have a little bit of faith in Sport restored.

Alas, I fear that will not happen. My fears will undoubtedly be confirmed. No doubt there will be a search for the 'tainted supplement' in Jon's cocktail. I will fall out of love with Sport for a few days... Then she will entice me back in with a dramatic fight or a thrilling game. I'll be "all-in" again.

Until the next time I receive that "Dear Jon" letter through the blogosphere, that sport has let me down once more.


I saw the news today on YT. I dont know what to think of it. I like Cormier more but I think Jones is a better fighter. Would he still beat him without the steroids though? I guess we will never know. I think Jones is done after this one. What a shame to waste such a talent.

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He wouldve still won, but if he juiced it's tainted. Roids doesnt help you kick someone in the head, but damn I hope this isnt true. smh

Unbelievable.. again and again... this will only happens more and more.. Very sad!

Great article man. One of your best. I share similar feelings to you in regard to Jon. He in my humble opinion, is without a doubt the most talented fighter I've ever seen. He has tools in his tool belt other fighters could only dream about, and as it seems, they will be wasted. The type of talent Jon possesses leaves me in awe. Seeing someone take martial arts to a level that only a select few will realize is breathtaking to behold. It makes you sorta love that guy b/c he's so close to perfection, something we all wish we could achieve in our daily endeavors. Watching the culmination of incredible skill, hard work and sacrifice is inspiring to watch and the respect and pride you feel swells your chest and amazes your mind. To see him throw that away, (if that truly is the case) by cheating, tarnishes those feeling and robs you of your hero. That might sound a bit selfish, but in a small way, you're living out a dream through him, so the pain is real, if only for a little while.

As for steroids in general, I think it's simply a part of sports now. It's painful to admit it, but with the ungodly amounts of money on the line, athletes will do whatever is necessary to gain a competitive advantage. Money, like in all walks of life has this chilling effect of whittling away morality. The more money that is at stake, the more people are willing to do to get it. Fame and fortune come at a cost in the world of sport. Hard work was always where that journey began, and still is today, but when our athletes feel that hard work simply is not enough to win, we have a serious problem.

I hate seeing this happen tk auch a well liked guy and great fighter. I know many fight fans are not too fond of Floyd Mayweather Jr. But this is one of the reasons why I support him. He is totally against cheating and using steroids. He helped introduce the olympic style drug testing in boxing and has been the biggest advocate in the sports history for drug testing. From one pro athlete to another, I hope the allegationsaboht Jon Jones are not true, but if they are, I hope that he gets his life back together and keeps a positive outlook and makes the neccesary positive changes in his life.

This is so sad. Possibly the best pound for pound MMA fighter there has ever been and he is sh*ting his career up the wall.

So so sad. Years from now we'll be talking about what could've been. He never reached his full potential and he likely never will. With a 4-year suspension very likely I just don't see him making yet another comeback 3-4 years from now...

Nothing feels as good as winning cleanly, generally.

Wow! I hope this isnt true. This is fucking crazy if he did this. Man, I feel so disappointed like I know this fool. smh.

Money changed him too much...

I really hope this is a mistake. What a terrible thing for DC no matter what!

I think we should go back to the Pride days, when the promotions would pay for your PED's... LOL
One Solution might be having two Classes a natural athlete class and an Open class where doping is not discouraged? What a sad state of affairs.

Wow, this sucks for the sport but 90% of all high-level sports athlete takes steroids. Like I said in my other posts my husband use to fight in MMA had a contract with Bellator before he got cancer. At the time when pride was going on the contracts over in Japan said in big letters We Do Not Test For Steriods! I found that funny! It was a free-for all back then. I believe some people get targeted. Jones has burnt a lot of bridges over his career but he does have raw natural talent. Plus why would he take Turinabol? The half-life is 16 hours when he could have taken Dboll (half life 5 hours) or test prop. One thing my husband did say is that a lot of the so called natural supplements you buy at a GNC or a local shop do contain Turinabol in them in small dosages (his viagra excuse won't hold up this time) haha. I think this is payback from someone he pissed off in Vegas ie. commission or some cowboy out there who wants him out!

Literally was crushed when I heard the news! I hear the UFC was looking at a possible super fight between Jones and Stipe, which would have been epic! I pray that he recovers from this set back and finds a way to move on.

As someone once said...
Steroids dont make champions, steroids make champions better!

He will claim his drug test was hacked.

Its so sad and bad, I think this is the end of his career

it is just money who changed him this much... yup his career is over now...!!!

If it is confirmed, it sad. Had the same feeling when Barry Bonds was charged but this is worse. Huge blow, let's see what happened with the second B test 🙁

Seriously??? Did he ever tried to use his brain to understand, that it's too risky to use drugs.... I was so exited that he beat this fat bastard Cormier and now he just broke his career. >:( I'm disappointed

jones is done for this time

This sucks. But if I'm Comier, I keep my mouth shut going forward. Steroids are not, he got smoked by a better and smarter fighter.

I was always for HONEST competition, lately however, there are way to many USADa violations, maybe it is time to legalize steroids.. I'don't know.

Argh, I'm really fokin angry, ruining his career, such a talent and wtf??

Bones failed THREE drug tests? Jesus Christ dude. Get it together.

Someone once told me that everyone lies, cheats and steals to get ahead. But when all's said and done, what's the ultimate outcome victory or shame??

i like your post

The interesting thing is Jones passed 6-7 random tests in the lead-up to this fight including one about a month prior. Why would he take turinabol just a month out? A steroid like that would not give much of an edge in that time frame.

100% @nanzo-scoop would be a shame if true but we'll have to wait until the give the full results!

Not great for the sport if it turns out to be true :(