Day 21:) Uber conversation Part II

in #uber5 years ago


I have already shared the first conversation with the uber pilot. Let’s go through the next converse.

The pilot starts his day at 6 in the morning. He takes his sole break at 2 pm, till 5 pm and works till 11pm. He was not satisfied the way Uber has reduced the incentives for pilot and moreover, decreased the rate too. He made me realize how difficult his days were. He had to sit continuously in the car for around 12 hours on daily basis. I was like, I can’t even sit more than an hour at my office desk and how often I keep complaining about the discomfort of the chair. Whereas the seats of car are not that comfortable, he doesn’t get time/space to stretch his leg or a short break whenever he wants.

I asked him what he used to do before joining uber? He responded that he used to pick and drop for the call centers. He had to drop that job as his car became 3-year-old and it violated company’s policy. Moreover, the company doesn’t pay you for the initial 3 months, one has to run of his own. Additionally, there were huge penalties too.

Sometimes, he had to remain idle as he didn’t get bookings. He didn’t seem that satisfy with his life as his days were very hard, and Uber is very demanding.

That night, I realized how hard their life is and I am luckier than them. Still at times, I keep complaining to God, why did this happen to or that. I have the flexibility to mover around and don’t have to work 12 hours in regular basis. What do you think we can do for such guys or how can we make their life a little better? There are thousands of cab pilot and we might be able to help them if we come up with any simple idea.

Look forward to listen to your ideas :)

Happy Sunday.

Disclaimer : The image has been taken from here