<sub><sub><sub><sub><sub>If 'this post is hidden due to low ratings' that usually means one or two accounts voted against while all of the million+ others did not. Theres no safety risk, just 'click to reveal' the data, explanations, numbers and everything in the post(s) - Steemit is a bit peculiar, opinion weighs as much as your wallet ...</sub></sub></sub></sub></sub>
well it all depends ..
first ill need to see if the auto-downvoters are still on it.

When I am fascinated by something, I like to play with it.
* Tanith Lee*
two more people who need to get their share back (well they dont need to but it is i who needs to cuz i said so if it ever were"
sadly with price dipping below $3 all that time ago the whole program works but then with HF21 for ppl who used it not to save for playcoin its pretty slow and useless ... (its still a lot of work put in for nothing though, and on steemit its downvoted by one particular wanker :
proof-of-moneyforbrain : 50 with $1 say aye , 1 with $1000 says nay
and then its nay :p
when i hand those shares back it all depends on spare time and how fast i can translate to HIVE-denser or whatever condenser is called and wether theres an equivalent of steempy-cli cuz i sure as hell aint gonna do a utility by hand
Everything subject to change,
Morgan Goldman