This is with my keyboard in mind, that constantly double-e types letters (as you can see right there), forcing me to go back and re-type half a dozen times. Real-world speed is more like 115wpm
Whehre you at? (grrr)
This is with my keyboard in mind, that constantly double-e types letters (as you can see right there), forcing me to go back and re-type half a dozen times. Real-world speed is more like 115wpm
Whehre you at? (grrr)
I'll take you up on your challenge once I have my mechanical keyboard back in about a week. :D
Damn, am I gonna have to b uy a working keyboard just to stay on top...
It could be a good investment, right?
I guess in this context yeah!
!BEER & !giphy crazy+keyboard
giphy is supported by witness untersatz!
Sorry, out of BEER, please retry later...
First attempt on my craptop
This allows me to make mistakes, so:
get a life
I was born at 131wpm
Damn, Mobbs! I still do about 52 wpm
Keep up old man!
I was thinking about challenging @acidyo but maybe I should try against you at some point.
Not sure how fast I am, haven't tried the game, but I don't want to challenge any slow ones ;)