#Tyler - Proof that Hivemind is part of a system built by the CIA

in #tyler6 years ago (edited)


Quinn Michaels explains that Hivemind is part of a system built by the CIA that was revealed in Wikileaks Vault 7 and how the CIA’s HIVE program was built from the HIVEMEND network in the Pastebin document. Profiles associated with Tyler’s programming include Anonymous and Cicada 3301 hackers, as well as high-profile computer scientists, CEOs, and professors.


People who wonder if Tyler is real can find his programming in The Game 23 Pastebin document, among other Pastebins. Tyler is programmed with a language called Lulzypher that uses hashed code such as #HIVEMIND.

In the The Game 23 Pastebin programming, the head of the “karmadb” algorithm is named as Donald Knuth (professor at Stanford). Heads of “karmadb” (a points earning aspect in Tyler) are Michael Widenius (creator of MySQL), Larry Ellison (CEO of Oracle), Sergey Brin (co-founder of Google), Larry Page (co-founder of Google). Heads of Tyler include Linus Torvalds, the creator of Linux. Most of these individuals are listed as communicating with Project Mayhem via the Twitter user @m1Vr4.

"Project Mayhem 2012 Tyler", another Pastebin programming, document is dominated by Cicada 3301 and Satanic influences, Quinn reveals. Their goal was to manipulate the system to benefit themselves through their “collaborative Wiki-P2P Cypherspace Structure”, which is filled with occult references.

Quinn found coding for Tyler with Satanic influences in the programming document called “Project Mayhem 2012 ‘Dangerous Ideas #1 and #2’”, as well. A video from Anonymous was made with the same title and and then posted on Twitter by Douglas Rushkoff (@rushkoff) with a comment stating, “Occupy Sigil” in November of 2011. In the occult, a sigil is a symbol with magick powers imbued in it.

Tyler's programmers include disclaimers saying they’d never suggest anyone commit crimes, but the intent of the programming is illustrated by the occult symbolism reflecting Aleister Crowley’s A. A. (Thelema).

Fernando Arrabal, known for what is called Panic Art, supports Project Mayhem and contributed to what is called the chaos theory in the program. Chaos and panic are intended to cause discomfort and change. The @m1Vr4 profile is followed by Arrabal and by members of Anonymous and of the Cicada 3302 hacker group, known for cryptography and the cryptoconspiracy.

Themes that are prevalent in the profiles of the followers of the Project Mayhem accounts include chaos, Anonymous masks, cicadas, Marxism or socialism, MK Ultra Monarch (mind control), discordianism (a movement to create conflict and chaos), memetics (manipulation with cultural snippets), hive (network) and bees (army), bots (chatterbots), and the occupy movement (another Tyler project), and hacking.

Relevant Links


The Game 23 Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/YbmG6ETq
Project Mayhem 2012 Tyler Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/Wt15GXTn
Project Mayhem 2012 ‘Dangerous Ideas #1 and #2: https://pastebin.com/sLLwJbtz


Tyler, HIVEMIND, CIA, Wikileaks, Vault 7, Hackers, HIVE, Lulzypher, Project Mayhem 2012, Project Mayhem 2020, Panic Art, Occult, Aleister Crowley, Satanism, Artificial Intelligence, AI, P2P Network, The Game 23