Tuesday Twosday 22/02/2022 | Numerology Reading - What does this mean for us?

in #twosday3 years ago


This is a big one folks - hang on to your hats and make sure you watch the whole thing!

The 222222 portal, also called "Twosday" is happening on Tuesday February 22nd 2022. Let's take a look at the numerology of this day and what that means for you.

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22/02 or 02/22?

Now I live in England where we write the date with the day first then the month, and that does bring a slightly different energy to the reading than writing it month first, then they day. Don’t worry, I am going to cover both of those and explain the subtle differences there because this is something that matters in esoteric numerology.

So “Twosday” as it’s been dubbed holds a very special energy. The way I write it is 22022022 which if you put a gap halfway makes it a beautiful mirror image almost like a butterfly which right away speaks to me of balance and also metamorphosis. I want to bring in the symbolism of the butterfly here because that is what my guides are giving me when I gaze at the number sequence.

This makes it a very balanced energy specifically for the parts of the world that write it this way.

Unlike 2nd Feb, I think there are inevitably some differences and perhaps less balance for the people who write it differently so North America for example where the date would be written 2/22/2022.

I will also post shorter individual readings for some specific countries because there’s a lot going on energetically on this day, and there’s a whole lot more nuance I want to add, so be sure to look out for those too.

So, 2/22/2022 or 02/22/2022 if you write it with a zero at the beginning has more of a feeling of growth or perhaps increasing speed or momentum because you have one two then two twos then three twos, rather than the balanced mirror image of 22/02/2022 so that is an interesting point to note. Think about where you are right now and how the date is written, but also how you write it personally, and that will give you some insight into what is in store for you personally as well as those around you!

Don’t forget the zeros!

Now looking at the numbers themselves we have 6 twos and 2 zeros, and yes a lot of people are forgetting those zeros and just looking at the number two for this day, and I think that’s a big mistake. Zero is just as important as any other number to look at, and I think to ignore it or to pretend it isn’t there for a numerology reading will unavoidable leave you without part of the message.

Zero is the number of the void, the time before existence, it’s the word of God in Genesis before the world is created, it’s the Tao, that which always has been and always will be. As such it holds unlimited potential for the future, and it has a calm if somewhat unnerving energy like being at the eye of the storm.

We have two of them strategically placed in a way that will either help to further balance the energy for the UK and Europe, and bring additional opportunity, or to help the momentum of change along for the USA & Canada.

Zero feels almost like a secret energetic driver here, it’s bringing power to the mix from the unseen, so there is a lot of spiritual help and support which will help us to grow, learn and change in positive ways on and from this day forwards.


Now looking at the twos themselves, we have 6 of them which adds up to 12 which is the number of perfect governance, the number of government and law. When number 12 is in balance, it can be a very harmonious and wise time to live in, and when it’s out of balance it can indicate tyranny and control. No prizes for guessing which energy we’re in right now!

12 also reduces to 3 when we add the two digits together, 1 + 2 make 3, so we also have to bring in the energy of number 3 to this reading. 3 is the number of the blueprint, the design for life, the plan before it comes to fruition, and it can be a very joyful energy full of optimism for the future. When 3 is out of balance it can be a fearful energy that causes people to follow other people’s plans for their lives rather than making their own decisions or thinking for themselves and deciding what sort of world they want to live in.

12/3 energy can be very self empowering, but it can also be catastrophic for individual rights and freedoms.

And when you look at the powerful number 2 energy this year which is all about choices, exploring options and finding balance, you can see why this is such an important theme.

This day, this energetic portal is not asking, it is demanding that we look at our lives, see who is calling the shots, and decide once and for all whether that is how we want things to be for the rest of our lives or not. This is a truly pivotal moment in our lives.

Do you want an authority figure or perceived expert to make all of your decisions for you, or do you want to want to be in charge of your own life? Because spiritually this day is a kick up the backside – it’s a clarion call to grow up, wake up and take responsibility.

Humanity for the majority, if not all of our known history has had the overarching theme of the many being controlled by the few, either willingly or through ignorance or even using violence to do so.

This portal is really bringing this into focus. Zero of a number that can act like a lens in a numerology reading, and the two zeros here are like a spiritual pair of glasses that we have been handed, to help us see things clearly once and for all.

We can no longer hide from the truth, burying our heads in the sand will not be acceptable and we must all spend time in contemplation, meditation, prayer or just thinking about how we want our future to look. Do we want to be controlled by a small number of megalomaniacs, or are we going to claim our birthright to be the incredible, self empowered spiritual beings we always knew we were? Because the lines are being drawn right now and you have to decide. Are you spiritually an adult or a child?

I’ve talked about these themes many times in readings and on my podcast too, but what I’m seeing in the numerology of Twosday is a deadline. You Have To Choose NOW. Staying on the fence is no longer an option.

This may all sound very heavy, but I want to remind you that you have a very empowering choice being offered by the universe here – this portal is asking you whether you want to be a free and empowered being, or a slave.

It’s up to you – there’s no right or wrong here other than what your heart tells you.

Don’t be afraid, this is an emotional day and I think there may be a lot going on, on the world’s stage maybe in the media trying to distract us, or perhaps trying to get us to fall into compliance with governments and authority out of fear of a seemingly bigger threat or some such nonsense, but it will just be a smokescreen to try to harness your energy, and take it in the wrong direction.

You were not born to be a follower. This is a sacred day of spiritual potential, where you can finally remember who you are and why you came here, and you are being offered the opportunity to take the first step or the next step in that direction.

Now for those of us in the UK and Europe or anywhere the date is written as 22/02/2022, we have another aspect to consider here. If you’re in the US or somewhere else the date is written differently, with the month first rather than the day, feel free to skip to the next section, because I’m going to come back to you guys.

22 0 22 0 22 Looking at this number sequence we have number 22 three times . 22 is a sacred number it’s called the Feet of the Goddess because it’s made of two twos, and number two is the high priestess, the number of the feminine. It’s a number that brings potential for self mastery, huge inner growth and wisdom. It inspires inner strength, helps us to get through difficult times and to work in harmony with others to bring about big changes for the greater good.

Coupled with number 3 energy, because we have 3 of them, this is big picture planning, This is designing the future of the world and that is a responsibility that each one of us must take on. It doesn’t mean choosing a leader, it means taking personal responsibility and making your decisions based on your own choices, feelings, inspirations and decisions. The ruling classes will be trying to lead us stray as usual, and knock us off balance, so I would say make sure you are feeling grounded and connect with similarly minded people to help you stay confident and calm even in the face of opposition.

22+22+22 is also 66 and that’s a number I want to bring into this reading as well, because we will be affected by that energy too.

66 is double 33. 33 is the number of the Christ Consciousness and 66 is the number of the physical and etheric spine. This is the light of spirit meeting the potential of earth, there is real potential for massive spiritual awakening and enlightenment either on or because of this day.

66/12/3 brings a very sacred and quite unique window of opportunity for spiritual awakening and I cannot stress this enough. Do not ignore this day! Find some time to spend in prayer, in meditation, in contemplation and connect with these incredible energies to help visualise a loving, positive and enlightened future for the world.


So moving over now to North America and the other parts of the world where the date is written 2/22/2022 the energy here is one of building momentum, a building wave of emotion which is going to smash into the collective and force some changes to happen. It may not be pretty, but it is going to be powerful. My advice? Get a surfboard and ride that wave!

It feels as though everything is coming to a head on 2/22/2022 and you are going to be held accountable for your actions or failure to act in your own best interests, and the interests of the collective too. It feels like a day of judgement, all your chickens coming home to roost, so you are going to need to be ready for it.

Because of all the 2s it’s very, very emotional, I’m seeing people screaming, arguing, yelling, overwhelmed by the difficult messages or challenging realisations that will come from this day, either on the day or after. This is difficult stuff, and you will not be able to avoid it so don’t try. The key here is to remain as calm and aware as possible, so if you can spend time in the morning of Feb 22nd in prayer, meditation or spiritual practise to help you keep a clear head, and stop you falling into the trap of being reactionary, or acting without thinking, this will help enormously.

But every thundercloud has a silver lining and the lining here is the massive potential for emotional and spiritual growth. For these countries and areas, it feels like the teenage years are over, and it’s time to grow up. Your numerology is 2 leading to 22 leading to 222

Emotional self mastery is needed first, then you can achieve spiritual self mastery and finally a higher and wiser level of existence in yourself, with each other and in harmony with all that is.

I want to say that the first challenge you guys face is to stop being so polarised, and this is very noticeable in politics particularly in the USA for example. Are you team red or team blue? Well guess what, that’s irrelevant if you’re not on team humanity! This polarisation and division at every level will be highlighted on 2/22/2022 and you will be asked to rethink this moving forwards and remember that we are all part of the human race, and ultimately all one with each other and with God, the Goddess or with the divine, what you call it doesn’t matter.

And when you remember that, you’re taking a very important step towards enlightenment and a better future for the whole world. It’s not them against us because there is no them. There is only us. We are all one – there is only I AM. There is no separation.


So to summarise the big themes today are:

  • Taking personal responsibility for your life and choices and the future of the world

  • Remembering that you are one with God and nobody is superior to anybody else nor should they be acting as though they are

  • Doing the right thing and choosing to act with wisdom, not react from fear

  • Speaking and acting from the heart instead of allowing political or other alliances to sway us

So no pressure, but this is a big day energetically and the fate of the world is kinda in your hands right now!

Note: I will be uploading individual readings for the UK, USA, Canada, Australia and NZ looking at the energy specifically affecting you on this powerful day, so be sure to look out for those. If you have any requests for other countries for me to add, please let me know in the comments below!