Sexy Little Twitter Bots and Censorship

in #twitter7 years ago (edited)


There is something I’ve noticed happening on #Twitter since last year, and I notice it especially when I re-tweet and comment on articles that have a different point of view of the mainstream media consensus.

Should I blame Twitter? For I have no idea who is behind this, but it looks like my tweets and re-tweets are liked and re-tweeted by a certain percentage of bots. This is just a tiny nuisance, but a nuisance nonetheless. While it’s really flattering to be re-tweeted and liked, it’s just as disappointing to discover it was a Twitter-bot.

Not only that, but mainly they are big-busted, tight waisted females. In particular, I can’t understand the reasoning. For one thing, my profile picture is of a female, so why would you have scantily clad females following and re-tweeting me? Have I once mentioned I was a lesbian? I feel offended now.

Do you even have scantily clad male bots ?

I’m not here to admonish my lady-bot friends, just their programmers. Or is this already the AI taking over? If they happen to be reading this, I would like to say to them, stop it.

Twitter might consider letting go of this algorithmic business model because one day, people are going to drop off the platform like flies, and join places like #Steemit, it’s only a matter of time.

#Twitter #Algorithms #Censorship


Highly rEsteemed!


Thanks for resteeming!

I am unfortunately not a social media user so Twitter bots I haven't encountered. I am curious about the possibility of how our interactions with them changes our own personal internet experience. I have witnessed the strange 'coincidences' that happen with advertising when you mention certain things in messages or even speak certain words that comeback to you in some form of advertising. I can't help but contemplate how deep the rabbit hole goes with this one!

I'm with you. Now that FB checks for 'suicidal' people it's taken on a different level. I've also witnessed some strangeness surrounding places I've visited and feeds, although I always make sure GPS is shut off. I think this censorship/data collection through social media and Google is one topic that doesn't get mentioned enough. Social media has become a trap which we seem to willingly fall into.