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RE: Twitter Ads Ban; another bully in the field

in #twitter6 years ago

What I found entertaining was that Twitter CEO then did an interview where he said something along the lines of Bitcoin is the future of money... but then they announced that Twitter is banning crypto ads. Hmm... doesn't really make much sense to me. Thanks for sharing!


Yep - it seems he wants to be both relevant for cryptocurrencies and at the same protect his own skin. But this then leads to him not being taken seriously... Quite sad

I am honestly not sure if he realizes that cutting out advertisements could potentially harm Bitcoin, at least in the short term. He said that he doesn't support all cryptocurrency though and I don't blame him for that one at all.

Well they are in a way a big machine. Twitter/FB/Google and etc. I think had a behind the door agreements.

Yes. Beacuse tweeter was bad for BTC. A lot of false infos for pumping. Daily traders are shit for crypto

More irony: Google Tel Aviv just hosted a Crypto Meetup where everyone was complaining about the Ad Ban - of which Google is one of the worst offendeers.