You can't block me!

in #twitter4 days ago

I think a week ago or so, I saw someone posting about this on twitter, but I thought nothing of it. It may be more fake stories, I thought to myself, since now twitter is fakenews central, but I was wrong.

Screen Shot 2024-10-17 at 6.53.42 AM.png

As it turns out, Elon thinks this is a great idea, this is exactly what twitter needs. Yes, get rid of the blocking function. You want to prevent people from finding you, looking at your posts, stalking you, etc? Well, you can go screw yourself because that's anti free speech or something of the sort.

You may be asking yourself, as am I: Who asked for this? Who said to Elon, to his advisers.

"Hey... you know... people are blocking people and it's disrupting our beautiful platform of free speech"

I can only speculate, but I can almost guarantee the answer is nobody. Nobody said to Elon this needs correcting. So, what gives?

People are blocking Elon

Ever since he bought himself the loudest bullhorn he's been feeling quite powerful playing from the top. It doesn't matter if you follow him or not, a tweet about something completely asinine made by him, might show up on your feed. Why? Because, he bought himself the theater, and it doesn't matter if you care to see the show, he's gonna give it to you.

I used to think

Elon was a smart man, centered, thoughtful, genius even. But, now I see a narcissist with all that the word entails. It's all about him, not ideals, not even business per say.

Doesn't matter if his "friends" and allies tell him, he's driving the platform to the ground, bleeding out cash like a bull in a Spanish Colosseum, he's determined to continue his tantrum, and you need to be his audience, like it or not.



As long as Twitter's public, anyone can just start a second account, to follow anyone who's blocked their main.
If anything, the earlier way was offering a false sense of security.
I've blocked my stalker, so now he won't see my holiday pics and break into my house to wear my clothes.

opening a second account is possible, you are right... So that means, it's even more petty. He doesn't want to use a second account to see what the people that blocked him (big names, mind you) are up to.

it's even more childish! hahah

It's not that he doesn't want to use a second account for that. He doesn't want HIM to be blocked. He doesn't want his speech so sullied by folks that disagree with him. He wants HIS account to be universally acknowledged as the greatest account. He doesn't care about anything not himself.

My son likes to argue that things are unfair. It's unfair that someone gets something but he doesn't get it, etc. That kind of thing. I often point out that to him "unfair" means something he doesn't like and has nothing whatsoever to do with actual fairness.

Elon seems the same way on many things. Free speech is speech he likes, meanwhile he has no problem banning people for saying things he doesn't like. Can't block him either, because that would be against free speech. Unless he doesn't like it, then I'm sure another ban is coming. He is a man-child.

he should be in the dictionary next to hypocrite... insane the double standard of the man child

He's always been a maverick, but seems to have gone off the rails lately. I could see it was trouble when he took over Twitter. He tried to get out of his commitment to that, but then started messing with it. Eventually I just had to get out. I'm not sure someone with so much control of a major social platform should get so involved in politics. He may be committing crimes by 'bribing' people to vote. I was looking at writing my own political post that would mention how various mega-rich (mostly white) guys are pushing extreme agendas. The world should not be run for just their benefit.

In Musk's case is it because he has been unlucky in love? Money may not buy you happiness.

i suspect we've not seen his worse yet... but twitter is gonna end up exploding on his face... he can't sustain it forever, not like this

"The world should not be run for just their benefit."

Some years ago when I was making this very argument about Steem in conversation with a certain witness that remains today in the top 20, I was answered in this way.

"We disagree."


Blockchain is not as democratic as some countries and wealth gives you direct power. It's up to people whether they use it for good.