I have relied on Twitter to get the word out about my weight loss work for many years now. I have 6000 REAL Twitter connections I have worked hard for and no fake ones, since I actively root those out.
Recently twitter made changes to their rules and because of this, the 20K in impressions I used to get each day on twitter is now less than 2k. I wrote a post about it because I was so upset the day it happened:
Twitter – You are Dead to Me Now
I still am upset. My connections are not able to tweet either and so everything for me has died over there.
YT has done similar shake-ups. My friends in alt-health get blocked/banned/de-monitized for using words like "fermented" in their titles, tags, or descriptions. Because - you know - if you eat fermented food, your reliance on Rx drugs decreases. I already self-censor at yt just to be able to post at all.
What with all the revelations coming about FB right at the same time -
Facebook – You are Dead to Me Now
- I wonder if this is not a way to get us all off of Social Media and only able to hear mainstream lies.
I'm not on Instagram, but my friends who are are getting shadow-banned left and right over there since the beginning of 2018.
Those social media sites are invasive, but they are a big method of communication.
Yes, everyone can come to steemit, but the daunting level of work to succeed here makes the 20 or so friends I have recruited in the last 9 months mostly die quick and sink to the bottom of the pool.
Rant not over and thank you for a place to post it.