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RE: Sexy Little Twitter Bots and Censorship

in #twitter7 years ago

I am unfortunately not a social media user so Twitter bots I haven't encountered. I am curious about the possibility of how our interactions with them changes our own personal internet experience. I have witnessed the strange 'coincidences' that happen with advertising when you mention certain things in messages or even speak certain words that comeback to you in some form of advertising. I can't help but contemplate how deep the rabbit hole goes with this one!


I'm with you. Now that FB checks for 'suicidal' people it's taken on a different level. I've also witnessed some strangeness surrounding places I've visited and feeds, although I always make sure GPS is shut off. I think this censorship/data collection through social media and Google is one topic that doesn't get mentioned enough. Social media has become a trap which we seem to willingly fall into.