Popular Twitch Streamer LunariValkyrie Joins Mazer

in #twitch4 months ago

Gamer tag: LunariValkyrie

Years streaming: 9+

Favorite video game franchise(s): Pokemon, League of Legends, Destiny 2

Primary hobbies: Gaming, Singing, Watching Anime/Movies/TV Shows, Archery

When asked about what she wants to accomplish during her time with Mazer, LunariValkyrie had this to say, “I hope to make some new friends within the organization, help each other grow, introduce each other to new games, things like that!”

You can find LunariValkyrie’s socials here:

Twitter: ++https://x.com/LunariValkyrie++

Twitch: ++https://www.twitch.tv/lunarivalkyrie++

YouTube: ++https://www.youtube.com/c/LunariValkyrie++

TikTok: ++https://www.tiktok.com/@lunarivalkyrie++

Facebook: ++https://www.facebook.com/lunarivalkyrie808/++