Twin Flame #6~This is just a strange phenomenon

in #twinflame7 years ago

I finally decided to go ahead and use tarot cards to ask about this situation. I consider the cards a way to connect to intuition. I usually get pretty clear answers from them. I had not used them to find out about my current love interest,very seriously, that I have wondered forever now, whether he's the TF or not.

Cards said. He's not TF and that we are complete opposites. (Which is true) And that we can still be together, if we want, but we are not TF.
I sat and thought about it. I remembered in 2013, this amazing energy and strange telepathic messages from some unknown source. But this public figure guy, though handsome, sweet, somewhat innocent, wealthy, courageous, black belt, etc...he has what many, many women want, including myself, but above all those, is the TF. You will never find anything more important than the Divine connection that is the TF Phenomenon. Nothing, but nothing compares to it. Yet as I sat thinking on this guy, I don't and frankly never have felt that connection with him. He was the one that thought we were to be together, that we are TF's. At least thats what he "told" me. And I had fallen for him, I didn't care if he was the TF or not.
But it would seem, he wants something else. Fine. I'll move on and frankly I want to. Because I have felt deadened the last few years. I have experienced alot of loss. Alot. And this guy came in at a vunerable time and virtually, as in online, held my hand. It was nice to think I could end up with him, have a nice life with him. It helped me thru those times, so I cannot be really upset. He was there and he did interact, via online with me , promising marriage and such. I knew it was probably ridiculous of me to hang onto someone I haven't met, that is very popular in his country, just had alot of "if's" tied to it and most people I knew didn't approve, which I found rather astonishing, yet knew that the cosmos was telling me something thru others.
I went for it and now it's done. And it's fine.
And the cards told me something else. They told me my real TF is actually younger than him and in the USA. I cannot imagine being with anyone younger than this guy. But I guess it doesn't mean we'd have to be partnered. Romantically.
I'm 53 and they mentioned the true twin is between 25 and early 30's. Oh boy, that's a huge age gap, though I've heard of some that large, but wow, donno if I'd be able to overcome that kind of age difference. So maybe that's why we never met?
And it makes me wonder if we ever will.

So my next thought is this. Then what was it all for? What the, 'long and winding road' was it all for? It seems the Heavens wanted me to know he existed and that's all. That he's here too and that's all. Ok. Thanks, now I know.

I don't feel great right now as I've just split again with the false twin, but I also don't feel awful either. There is a part of me that is thinking there must be something to it all. It's a part of me that wants to come out, a part that wants expression but just isn't quite sure about it. There is something there....that I don't have my finger on yet, but is coming. I feel it will wake me up and I will feel once again have and experience huge connection.

*I've written about this experience on different places, so don't worry about copyright or plagiarism. It was me there too.
