The Hanmaid's Tale
Spoliers Ok starting off again - Always throwing some kind of curve ball at you - First impression : Silence of the Lambs. The is crazy mouth guard. Wondering what is going to happen to the OG Ofglenn.
When THEY slaughter congress we didn't wake up, when THEY blame terrorists and the suspended the Constitutions, we didn't wake up then either. THEY said it would be temporary.
Who is THEY ???
( Illuminate ? )( Do like the song not sure who makes it.) Never seen people looking at 2 women running together in so much disgust.
Hmm interesting she went to get coffee, and the dude told her she had insufficient funds. Then she is wondering what is going on since she had just deposited her paycheck.( Amazing, this was a book - then was movie in the 90's now a show : but points out how easily can loose access to funds ) [ Mental SIDE note : ALWAYS have cash on hand - and set a sided ]

WOW!!! Did he really just say that ?? Dang now at work couple guy just walling down the hall, very strapped (guns).
LADIES Oh DANG - Firing the women, "Not his Choice "? Ha, ha not fired just let go. Now it's Law. Well we know why just the women , easier to control. Strip all RIGHTS/ FREEDOM/ FUNDS. There they go again "Under his Eye". [ Making me think more and more Illuminate " The all seeing eye" ]
Its only been 8 MINS and so much has gone one. Now it's weird again, they are treating her extremely nice. Oh great now see why being so nice they think she might be pregnant.

Ugh Commercials - Well atlreast seemed a little longer in the process. Oh great just noticed 4 dots , so 4 breaks. This one is 1-4. Still not the biggest fan of commercial for PAID service
Dang the women in blue are so mean. Haha crazy one eye girl, bit the lady of the house. Is it me or does the lady of the house, looks like an older Uma Thurman? (OPPS : I guess not - Another Plastic Surgery gone to looking like another person . )
Now Janie ( one eye girl ) is naming the baby different name, and telling stories of her and the Commander loves her so much. Things are not looking good for this one.
Great more Commercials - This one is 1-3
OHH no, something is going to happen. You can tell he is not saying anything - looking serious. Get now the everyone breaks - Black Van
Dang a lot of scene changes to the past , how things were started to break down. Amazing so now they have FROZEN all WOMEN's ACCOUNTS. "Easy all they had to do is push a few buttons" [ MENTAL note : Really make sure not to have all ASSETS in one place with just easy access - that few buttons. Because we all know that COULD HAPPEN. There was just that RANDSOM WARE attack less then 3 weeks ago. Its can happen - They did it to Greece, couple years ago. ]
"THEY needed to do it this way. All the bank accounts and the jobs all at the same time. Can you image the airports otherwise? THEY don't want us leaving. You can bet on that."
This episode is SCARY!!!
OUCH ... Now getting interview about OfGlenn , maybe we will find out more about what is going on with her. Yikes getting into her being gay. Look likes might get in trouble for know

she was a traitor to her race. And not telling anyone about it.
I wonder why they use Mathew 5:5, and just part of it. "Blessed are the meek" ( the rest of that verse ; "for they shall inherit the earth." )
Oh yah another Commercials - This one is 1-4. Can't believe there is still another 20 mins. This one is intense.
Ok we get to find out what is going on with OfGlenn. She is in trouble for Gender Treachery. Roman Chapter 1 Verse 26.
( in case you don't have the verse handy: "That is why God abandoned them to their shameful desires. Even the women turned against the natural way to have sx and instead indulged in sx with each other."
Seems like women just have number with a title. ( Numbers remind you of anything ?)
Boy I got a bad feeling about this - well seems like was right. ( Not a good day for Martha )
Congrads another Commercials - This one is 1-4. This is ridiculous, seems like after this 30 day trial : CANCEL
Well she is not pregnant.
(Do like the music they choose for this show) Looks like this protest is going to get bad. When a guy step up with full round of ammo hanging out the gun. He is not there to show off all his bullets. YIKES - they are mowing people down.
Mrs. Waterford has a bit of a Temper.
Now OfGlenn is at the hospital? WHAT THE ????? What did they do