The Hanmaid's Tale
Something that came to mind from yesterday episode of Hanmaid's Tale. Was where they were mostly using the cattle prod, they would electrocute their neck. Again if you every looking into or heard some what about MLK or mind control. That is part of the programming. Cattle prod in neck, something really didn't hit me til later on in the day. Figure would share now.
SPOILERS : WOW is this starting off interesting. Guess its that moment when you don't want to ask someone while they are having intercourse - "what are you thinking about" - LOL.

4:26 Interesting why would they destroy the church?? ( A Catholic Church ) Sense she said her daughter was baptize there and when we see her daughter taken she was a very young girl maybe 5? Just guessing might have miss the age before or they really hadn't said yet.
Now other lady speaking of St.Patrick in New York City ( St. Patrick's Cathedral: Roman Catholic ). AND again with THEY who is THEY? Seemed like THEY blew up all of the churches.
Ugh Commercials : I think I'm learning on the time line there are 3 DASHES - so i guess I get 3 Commercial Breaks this one is showing 1 of 4 .
Oh dang some crazy ritual birthing process. All the Handmaid's are there, surrounding crazy one gal - chanting to " Breathe".
LOL " You shouldn't spoil them" , wow the wives really look down on the handmaids, acting like it's their dog. "So well behaved."
Dang that COMMERCIAL came quick : 1 of 3
Back to the crazy - "Breathe" "Breathe" they should have named this episode Breathe.
I'm surprised they are letting the Handmaid's feed. Figure they wouldn't want the attachment to grow to strong , since to she could not hold right after she had her.
COMMERCIAL come on - Right at the moment she is connecting with daughter. BAD CHOICE of Split 3 of 3
Hmm, why is he (the Commander) having her come down stairs? He has lot of books and want to bend the rule. He wants to play a game (what hide the pickle, lol). Scrabble ?? HUH (I'm personally not the biggest fan of the game, spelling abilities not the best : thank goodness for auto-correct and text to talk).
43:10 Ahh AWESOME song to start with for the start of Offred. (If you are fan of 80's music)

WHAT THE &#^&$@! who is that CHICK where is Ofglen. ( Well the Ofglen I know ) cause this new chick is saying she is Ofglen.