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RE: Netflixing: Firefly

in #tv8 years ago

Firefly.. its a show that as your watching gets better and better, then episode 13 rolls around and all of the sudden there isn't any more. Its such a bummer, it's the sifi "freaks and geeks" another show that was chopped away in the middle of a fantastic season.

The firefly movie was okay, but from the perspective of a show watcher, it was a bummer to see all of the relationships reset.


I enjoyed my time with it. It was certainly worth the price of admission.

Still, if it had taken off, we might not have gotten The Avengers (or perhaps we would have gotten them even sooner, I can't say for sure what might have been). On the whole, I think the show succeeds at what it is---a flash in the pan that will be long remembered and cherished. And perhaps that is all it needs to be.

Though I could be wrong.