I watch anything that Netflix recommends to me - even the Amy Schumer crap that I would rather do literally anything else rather than watch it. The other day "Trinkets" was on the top of my list and I have a rule that if Netflix is trying to force me to watch something, I comply. The show is actually decent.

It's a high-school drama show, so the story doesn't really matter because it is always going to REALLY be about the social hierarchy of various high-school groups and how nasty the top-tier group is to everyone else... Seeing as how they couldn't have it JUST be about that, they introduced a completely implausible "side quest."

It involves mostly these 3 girls and they are chosen from the usual cross sections of the well-trodden high-school hegemony, and no, I am not certain I am using the word correctly. One from the pretty-girl super-popular group, one tough girl who is hot without trying from the rebellious group, and a newcomer who is shy and a bit of a nerd. They all have one thing that brings them all together though - they are all Kleptomania (this is someone who can't stop stealing things.)

The 3 girls, who are not "allowed" to be friends by the pecking order that exists at school are brought together in a secret super-friendship by virtue of the fact that they all really enjoy shoplifting. On a side note I think it is just wonderful (and I don't know if this is intentional) that the Elodie, the main character, just happens to look exactly like Winona Ryder during her famous shoplifting days.
It's really trite, but for some reason I find it very entertaining. I think that the cliche elements of the show may have actually been put in there on purpose. I wonder if it is going to encourage a fad of shoplifting in the teenage audience. I'm certain at least one SJW will try to bring that forward.
I am obligated to watch this because the director Sara St. Onge is the cousin of one of my pals here in Chiang Mai. He isn't terribly close with her as it was me that told HIM that she was directing... LOL. I'm not really close with my cousins either but I think I just might have heard about one of them being chosen to direct a series at Netflix because that's kiind of a big deal.... right?
You are totally right, it will be interesting to see how many cases of shoplifting they have now and how many of them are attributed to this. Just like with 13 reasons why and suicide. Nevermind the book had been out much longer than the show and many people had already read it. They were watching the show because of the book. Also let's just bag the show instead of getting to the real root of the problem.
Shoplifting is already on the rise in the US, at least in my area. If this show really takes off I'm sure it will add to it a little, and the news will make it sound like the end of life as we know it.
yeah, your prediction for the media future sounds about spot on.
Yeah, your prediction
For the media future
Sounds about spot on.
- gooddream
I'm a bot. I detect haiku.
i'm actually one of the people that really enjoys when this happens
Posted using Partiko Android
Recommending this to my daughter on her August holidays. Shes watching the likes of Andy Mack and looking to transition with time. Thank you for sharing ♡
Careful...the subject matter gets a bit....adult later on. Don't know how you feel about that
Posted using Partiko Android
You're upping the drama to new levels! Have a DRAMA.
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