So far I would say that this TV show is carrying on in the same manor that the other ones did which is good or bad depending on your perspective. I enjoyed the early seasons, and then didn't really follow 3 or 4 because it was tired. Perhaps they made a good choice by waiting a while to release season 5 many years later. Time will tell, as they say.
I took a while between EP 1 and 2 because my life got in the way of my normal TV viewing, but to be honest with you, even if I wasn't terribly tired right now I didn't feel terribly compelled to watch another episode - it may actually be a while before I watch EP3.

I have a few problems with this episode and warning, there will be spoilers ahead.
I have never been to Yemen, but if it is anything like the rest of the world not just everyone speaks English. If you are at a university or a consulate maybe, but in jail - i think not. However, in the world of prison break everyone speaks English. I know, I know. I should suspend my disbelief for the sake of television but well, i suppose i appreciate a little bit of reality to be in my fantasy and that is probably why I prefer non-fiction books.
Also, the escape route that Michael has planned for him and his pals is a panel in the ceiling of their cell that just happens to lead to a ventilation duct and also the roof of the building.

Now I actually have very little experience in building prisons, almost none actually. However, if I was going to build one I think one of the first demands I would have of the engineering crew would be to not have ventilation shafts that a person can fit in built into the ceilings of all the cells. That would be phase one. I guess we need something like this in order for Michael and Co to be able to get out otherwise there is no show.
Michael is also sharing a cell with a Korean millionaire that is locked up in Yemen as well. This Korean is instrumental in some parts of the strategy already but it begs the question of "what the hell is a Korean millionaire doing in Yemen?" I don't know if Yemen is a great place to visit or not, I have never contemplated going there. It might be great but it just seems unlikely to me that this would ever happen.
The last problem I had is that Michael always sends secret messages to people on the outside that are going to help him get out in code; riddles even. This is portrayed as necessary in order to throw off any would be interceptors of said messages but it begs the question: What if his pals couldn't figure it out? Wouldn't the whole thing fall apart?
Perhaps I am being entirely too judgemental and should just accept the entertainment value of Prison Break but that just isn't how I roll. So I guess I would say that I am only 2 episodes deep and I am finding myself rolling my eyes and groaning on a regular basis. For the sake of research, I am going to finish the entire season eventually but I will make a bet right now and I think it is a safe one. I bet Michael gets out of the prison and 2 of the minor characters that he is traveling with get killed in the process. I bet it is the Korean guy and also his best pal that is in the picture right here.

Episode 2 is actually quite slow compared to the first one, but I believe this is pretty normal in all series. Even in Game of Thrones the 2nd episode is normally quite boring in comparison to 1 and 3. We'll see!
As always i welcome your comments and suggestions.
That a serious one you know? Those predictions you just made😄, are you absolutely certain yiu haven't had any spoilers anyway before this? Anyway id say cut them some slack you, it is television series if they don't do things the was they do it i thnk the maximum number of seasons anyone would have had would be 1 or 2.
no, i haven't watched more nor do i know what happens. I am just making a guess based on the way that these things normally go. I will cut them some slack. I do find it entertaining. I think I just need T-Bag to be in the episodes more because he is the best character.
I've seen the whole episodes of season 5. I can say it worth it. At least, it is better than some of the seasons.
Season 1 of prison break is still my best though
I think they did a really good job bringing this show back with season 5. I hope the continue with 5 more seasons. Such a great show
I loved this series! Even with Season 5 coming back later, I thought it was still really great and entertaining. With that being said, the storyline is basically the same, but it's still better than Amerian Idol, in my opinion.
I'm quite excited about this new season for I already finished prison break from bottom to top more than 4 times. I respect your opinion about the show especially the "coded message" part. I guess every time that he sends one, he makes sure that it has something to do with the receiver to make sure that the receiver will be able to figure it out. There were spoilers indeed but its fine. I'll wait for the entire season to finish first before I start watching it :) :) :) Thank you for the post :) :)
The show remains crazy in its plotting, but it does move at a quick clip, fast enough that some viewers will forgive it for some obvious twists and turns.
But the question remains: Other than an effort to goose ratings and make profits with the return of a familiar title, is there really any creative reason for more “Prison Break”? Probably not. Anyways, the fifth season is entertaining, ànd I enjoyed every episode of it.
Thanks for this review, sure i will watch it.
Some time ago I saw that movie and I did not remember it. Thanks for sharing.
Hello, this series I saw some time, brings me fond memories. Greeting
Hello, this series
I saw some time, brings me fond
Memories. Greeting
- theresa16
I'm a bot. I detect haiku.
Season 5 will only be 8 episodes long unfortunately, it will be a quick prison break not a sophisticated one like in season 1, more so like a season 3 prison break. And also no mahone, and I feel they will ruin its legacy but they do have Paul T. Schuring (original writer) writing it so maybe I'm wrong, so I guess I am just going to "have a little faith"