I've always been fascinated by Bill Gates' life. There are more than a couple of films out there that feature him in his rise to being the wealthiest person in the world when he was developing Microsoft but this is the first one that I have seen that focuses on his philanthropic work that focuses on improving the lives of the world's poorest people.
We all know who Mr. Gates is; he is one of the most famous people in the world due to the fact that he is the creator of one of the most dominant companies of all time. It probably doesn't hurt that he is very, very rich. However, what do we really know about this guy? He tends to stay out of the public eye and avoids having a public opinion on most things political as well.
I knew about the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and knew they did a lot of work in Africa and what not but was unaware that he wasn't just over there giving away money - he wanted to change the way things are done in terms of sanitation - primarily, building better toilets.
This is where a lot of viewers might get uncomfortable because there is some rather graphic imagery involving poo-poo. As tough as that is for us to look at, imagine how difficult it is to live in that sort of environment.
I am one of the many privileged people in the world, and i presume you are too, that has just always lived in an environment with effective sanitation systems, never realizing that this system is actually very complicated and also, quite expensive.
With the help of some seriously intelligent engineering pals that only someone with the clout the Bill Gates has access to, they build this thing: The Janicki Omni Processor. This machine takes human waste, and does something magical to it, and then converts it into ash, electricity (more than enough to power itself), and drinking water. Drinking water you say??? It sounds ridiculous but Bill himself was the first person to ever publicly try the processed water and he said "it tastes delicious."
I never knew much about Bill Gates the philanthropist and after watching this series I think he might be one of the best people on earth. He could just horde his money and not give a damn about poor people, but instead he commits billions of dollars and a lot of his very valuable time to projects that he stands to gain nothing from.
I feel as though the development of this machine, which is extraordinary, is an amazing development in technology and humanitarianism. For me anyway, it begs the question: why wasn't this all over the news?
Had you heard of it and my world-view just isn't as grand as I thought it was? Everyone should be talking about this. I suppose it should be no surprise that the media doesn't talk about this since it isn't political and has zero to do with war, Trump, Brexit, or global warming.
from the Netflix official channel
The series is 3 parts and while they do jump back and forth between topics they also talk about Bill's initiative to produce cheaper nuclear-based electricity and briefly touch base on how he doesn't believe current renewable energy options are a good choice. I did find it a bit patronizing that they focus on how he met and wooed Melinda - it is almost as if they were suggesting that Bill was too nerdy and funny-looking to land a chick.
Bill does become a bit defensive when they discuss the anti-trust cases that took place in the 90's but for the most part Mr. Gates seems like a very approachable and down to earth dude.
What he is doing should be all over the news and I find it quite tragic that it isn't. Perhaps this very entertaining and informative docu-series will help to change that.
Bill Gates flew on the 'lolita express' plane of industrial scale Child abuse and career criminal Jeffrey Epstein in 2013 - years after Epstein's release for child abuse crimes. The same year, one of Bill Gates' 'personal engineers' was arrested at Gates' mansion for possession of 6000 images of child abuse.
well now, that's not good. Glad you mentioned his name though. We all need to remember that Epstein was suicided!
Wow! Thank you for this piece of information. Definitely this series is worth checking in so I am going to bookmark this post so that to come back to it!
This will be a great story for sure.
I watched the part 1 - I like how Bill thinks, coming up with efficient solutions that can be implemented easily, like with that sanitation problem which is such an obvious one in poor countries that it makes me think how were we so ignorant not to address it sooner. Better sooner than later though, hopefully the solutions spread and improve conditions so that shit doesn't flow into the same sources where drinking water comes from.
some of the toilets that the engineers were coming up with cost something crazy like $50,000 to manufacture and I was thinking probably like Bill was.... something along the lines of "guys, you are missing the point, this toilet isn't for billionaires like me"
Apparently the big (ish) sewage processing plant has already been implemented to the tune of 1.5 million, which isn't bad considering that the infrastructure going under these villages and what not would probably cost dramatically more.
Agree with your "better late than never" statement, for sure.
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Waoh.. I never new bill gate did that for the africans... i'm always inspired and motivated when i see wealthy men who are giving to the society with no selfish motive in mind. I never new steemit is this informative may be because i new to this platform... Thanks man
Beautiful read, thanks for that. Your writeup has mede me want to go watch this and truly see all that Bill Gate is doing for Africans.
He is so rich, but he can not stop working. He is a workaholic. And he spent a lot of money for that I like him.
I watched this show on Netflix. It’s really an amazing story. How he was and still is thriving to help eradicate life threatening diseases in Africa. Very cool guy with his philanthropic works.
Someone likes your articles enough to plagiarize them in plain sight. Just thought you would like to know.
thanks for the heads up. That's pretty crap of whoever that is. I don't understand their motivation since nothing is going to come of it or the other posts that they have likely done the same thing with.
No problem. I thought so too. They didn't even use center tags! Grrrr..
yeah, that got under my skin also. lol
Plagiarizers suck.
I don't get the logic/motivation either, but plagiarism is something that defies logic to me anyway. I wouldn't let it bother you too much. It definitely would be a proper use of your flag.
That is pretty impressive. I can really get behind the people that are working on projects like this to make the lives of people in third world countries better. As you said, it is really easy for us to take for granted the luxuries that we have. I remember some of the scenes from I think it was "Slumdog Millionaire" and just how different our lives could be. I looked into writing some grants to the Gates foundation at one point for our school district which is relatively small and in a rural area so the tax revenue we get isn't as big as some neighboring districts. They really like focusing on underprivileged inner city districts though, so we were kind of out of the running. I didn't really mind though, I am just happy their money is doing some good somewhere.