Les doy la bienvenida a todos aquellos que están leyendo este tutorial, espero explicarme correctamente, que logren realizarlo y quedar satisfechos con su resultado.
I welcome all those who are reading this tutorial, I hope to explain it correctly, that they manage to do it and be satisfied with its result.
Como ya saben, se acerca el día de las madres y en mi caso, estos días me la paso buscando nuevas ideas para regalar a mi mamá, regalos nuevos, cositas que no le haya dado antes y renovar ideas, entonces en esa búsqueda conseguí este sobre súper lindo en donde puedes colocar una carta para mamá o para la persona quien vaya a recibirlo, también se podría usar como complemento para regalar flores y una carta, lo demás queda a su creatividad.
As you know, Mother's Day is approaching and in my case, these days I am looking for new ideas to give my mother, new gifts, little things that I have not given before and renew ideas, so in that search I got this Super cute envelope where you can place a letter for mom or for the person who is going to receive it, it could also be used as a complement to give flowers and a letter, the rest is up to your creativity.
Los materiales a utilizar son:
- 1 hoja de color tamaño oficio
- Pega o silicón
¡¡Es muy importante que la hoja que vayas a utilizar sea tamaño oficio ya que si es tamaño carta no quedara igual, Así que sin más nada que agregar comencemos!!
The materials to use are:
- ** 1 office size color sheet **
- ** Glue or silicone **
_It is very important that the page you are going to use is office size since if it is letter size it will not be the same, so without more anything to add let's start !! _

We place the sheet vertically and fold as seen in the image, it must be exact so that at the end it can close.

Then you turn the page to the right side as shown in the image and fold that corner, then forming a triangle at that point.

Now you place the page vertically as it was before but now you should see a triangle on the right side, that triangle should be folded into the page as seen in the image.

The tip that was at the bottom must also be bent towards the inside of the page or upwards, remaining as shown in the image.

The next thing is to open the page, leaving only the upper right corner bent, the rest opens, after this the page is turned over, thus leaving the doubles in the upper left now.

It should look like the first photo, then the lower right corner is brought to the mark with the marked sheet and folded, as it appears in the photo.

When making that fold, there will be a marked triangle in the lower right part, that triangle we will make small folds like a small accordion, everything should be on the sheet as seen in the photo and then the page is turned.

This step is a bit complicated but I know you can! When turning the page it should look like the first photo shown here and then the left part of the page should be bent inwards and the folds will guide you where you should close the page, as seen in each photo, then the part bottom fold up and you are ready, you just have to paste the corners and write in front of the envelope for whom it will be addressed.

Espero que les haya sido de mucha ayuda, en mi Instagram les dejo el video y así se guiarán mejor, gracias por su tiempo. Los invito a que compartan su resultado y me etiqueten.
I hope it has been very helpful, on my Instagram I leave you the video and that way you will be better guided, thank you for your time. I invite you to share your result and tag me.