Come on man, your beef with @blocktrades should not be taken out on this post.
Go and kill your own fellow whales like @blocktrades not some hard working person who is just trying to get by.
Come on man, your beef with @blocktrades should not be taken out on this post.
Go and kill your own fellow whales like @blocktrades not some hard working person who is just trying to get by.
It is true though. Iv'e tested this on poloniex and bittrex before and they both give better rates then blocktrades. I have nothing against him, just stating fact.
Sometimes it's not the better rate its ease of use. My tutorial aimed at cashing out for AUD. Bittrex and poloiex don't exchange crypto to AUD do they?
Even if I use bittrex then I have to transfer from bittrex to coinspot then coinspot to my bank. If coinspot have steem wallet address I will use them directly don't matter the rates.
I think @berniesanders is just so angry that he is just swinging on air hoping he will touch @blocktrades. Poor me I got hit instead.
Man.. Saying something like that is only putting a target on you're back. I know the flagging sucks, but you just got to try and ignore it. If you say stuff like that it will only get worse.
Yeah I know, I do take the votes and down-votes with no problem. It is just these 2 have a personal problem with each other but instead of between them 2 only when one sprays bullets hoping he hits the other guy, there are also innocent by standers that get hit.
If @berniesanders have problem with blocktrades rates and fees, he should create a competition and make it better than blocktrades.
If he does that I will be using his platform instead of blocktrades.
But, I guess it is easier for bernie to just spray bullets.
Whether you have a target on your back or not, you will get hit eventually it's just a matter of when.
That's the way it goes in this steemit world. It's the wild wild west.
You're an oblivious fucking moron. I'm glad everyone is able to see that here on the blockchain. Sheep.
Not really. If bernie comes after someone for defending me, it's not like I can't easily counter every downvote bernie makes.
You're so full of shit it's not even funny. All of his services are a ripoff as others have stated in this thread. Now kindly go fuck yourself, twat.
No worries, bernie's vote is easy to counter...
This whole thing is a bit silly but I find it very honorable that you are going through and upvoting all the stuff he is down voting to balance it out or counter as you say. Your vote is very powerful but more importantly being used right some wrongs.
I don't know the whole story between you and bernie but this is getting too personal and out of hands.
People don't even read the post any more and try to understand what the message is all about they just saw the blocktrades name and they are all over it like a fly on a shit.
It looked like the down votes are coming from the circle of bernie which means it is really personal not because of the post.
Anyway, it's up to the people to follow this tutorial or not. At the moment, the above tutorial is the only way to send low amount of steem/sbd to AUD (to my knowledge).
Thanks @blocktrades for stopping by and for the counter votes.
I was just saying BTC fee was to high. As for doge, I buy doge from @blocktrades all the time and completely agree the doge fee is fair.
From what I have read, I guess the problem between them is bernie downvoting blocktrades wife.. Which I don't agree with. If someone was downvoting my wife and calling her work trash, I would freak the fuck out.
Daaamn, that is so low. Is bernie only attacking blocktrades’ wife because bernie hates his guts? If that is the reason then that is way so low. I hope bernie is only a 16 years old kid because surely all these can’t be coming from a grown man, a well educated grown man.