Three Tunes Tuesday: Easing Into My Morning Emotions

in #ttt6 months ago (edited)

Some days I wake up with a sense of longing and yearning. For adventure. For solace. For that special someone next to me.
And at times, for loves one that are not nearby. I can dwell in the emotions as they swirl like a dust devil skirting by, or I can embrace the wonderful diversity that life brings and channel my emotions into a new day, with new beginnings and new existences, knowing they are walking by my side in spirit.

Romeo Testa sings of longing and yearning in his song, "With You". His lyrics talk of being separated from a loved one, knowing that they will be together in some form of tomorrow. For now though, it's enough to feel the passion in his heart as he gets on with his day.

All this life is beautiful if you can find it
I just want for you to know
That the world is ours, and if I had you in my arms
What I would do, I would do, with you

My second song is "No Small Thing" from the band Tears For Fears. Eighteen years after their last album release, and thirty three years after their amazing commercial success in the 1080's, they produced an introspective collection that elevated the living and learning found in the human experience. The record company and producers want more carbon copy hits. They wanted to reflect the wisdom of age, and the blessings of looking towards the future with love and vitality.

When I'm forty years older
When I'm wrinkled and wise
I will trade all my liberty
For that look in your eyes

My last song is about not getting lost in the doldrums and disparities of life. Learning from the past is an admirable and necessary skill, but don't dwell in that mud pool to long. Time and tide wait for no one, and eventually you'll need to dust yourself off and get on with things, even if that's only to seek out those who will give you that much needed hug. Because that alone can take immense courage.

When you wake up to the promise
Of your dream world coming true
With one less friend to call on
Was it someone that I knew?
Away you'll go sailing
In a race among the ruins
If you plan to face tomorrow
Do it soon

These are the three song I've included in my reflection on what the new day may bring. Taking in these tunes while sipping my coffee and planning for legendary brilliance frees up my mind to do inspirational things. And on most days when none of it is legendary, or brilliant, or even inspirational to the rest of the world, it just may be to me. And that's no small thing.

#ttt #threesongtuesday #dreemerforlife