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RE: TTRPG writeups: WoD Modern 2 - Vampires #1

in #ttrpg3 years ago

I wouldn't actually mind drawing stuff for spectators (and honestly I do prefer illustrating my posts, it was a bit of an effort to post all text but if I don't it would never get done), I would just need to know what to draw and I'm over the top anal about getting my own stuff right, I'm a lot worse when it comes to other people's stuff as I'm then also freaking the absolute hell out of making sure I'm doing it right/justice.

Pop in where?


Table top games! You Big oaf!. What else could i be referring to?

It would be cool to meet the gang and possibly play with them. Phaaaa

You're going to come all the way to Australia to pop in on a game? O_O

We're kind of cruising til after Silly Season anyway, we're still going to my friend's house (where the games are held) at game time but sometimes the kids don't feel like playing after they've been in the pool for a few hours. I'll have a chat to them later and see how they feel about another player, one of them can be a bit shy with strangers.

Aghh yess, googlemeets, zoomcalls and skype doesn't exist.

GRRRR! What is this Boomer mindset. Ofcourse i'll be using my laptop to do a video call.

Phaaaa, no worries the way i talk IRL is different to how i type in discord