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RE: Apparently the “Solution” to Mass Shootings Is to Turn Schools Into Prisons

in #truth7 years ago (edited)

Nope. One crazy guy with one gun won't do shit against an armed populace - except die trying.

Not long ago there was a shooting at a church in Texas. A guy killed the shooter. Why? Cuz he had a gun. You'd think this would alert people to the problem, which is that defenseless people are easy to kill.

Firearms are used more than 50x as often to prevent crimes than they are to commit them.

What causes school, church, and other random shootings is defenseless victims.

You don't seem like a violent psychopath. If you had a gun would you go out and kill a bunch of kids? Would your friends? No? Then you and your friends should have guns, IMHO, cuz when a crazy guy with a gun tried to kill people and you were there, you'd stop them from killing anyone. With your gun. That you, and your friends, and almost every single person you've ever met can be trusted to keep and use safely.

Disarming you won't disarm crazy people or criminals. Those people will be armed. Hell, they can print guns at home now. No need for a background check. Nothing will stop criminals from getting guns. Ever.

But you can stop them from killing anyone, if you're armed.

Get strapped. Do it for the children. Arm them too, and they can protect you.

I predict war, and soon. It always seems to follow in history from politically motivated armed gangs of thugs rioting in the streets, like the Brown Shirts in Germany before WWII, and Antifa and BLM today. Those armed gangs don't form spontaneously. They are created with the purpose of greasing the skids towards war.

Investments in guns, goats, and gold will pay handsomely then, but not as much as investing in good relationships with good neighbors.