In the final part of this series we will look at the most interesting aspect of the Annunaki story. The accounts of how they created a slave workforce by splicing their own DNA with that of Homo Erectus and brought about modern Homo Sapiens. Are we really a 'Slave Species' created to work for more intelligent beings?
The history we have been taught regarding the development of modern humans is incomplete, there is a missing link. Are the stories written down by the Sumerian's are the explanation to that missing link? Whether they are true or not won't be the questions that are buzzing around your brain like a kamakazi bumblebee at the end of this post, the questions will be.........
What is the truth? Why has it been hidden from us?
In the first part of this three part post The Sumerian's and the Annunaki I explained who the Annunaki were purported to be.
In the second part Where were they from? Why did they come? I went into the alleged place of origin and their reasons for coming to earth.
In this final offering I will delve into the most thought provoking aspect of the story (that pre-dates the Bible) about the creation of a slave race to undertake the work, a story which speaks of ancient genetic experiments splicing Annunaki DNA with that of primitive hominids to create the first modern humans!
If the stories are true and at some point in the future backed by more solid physical evidence it would be the biggest story in history and the world would never be the same again. What would the power brokers in Washington DC, the City of London and the Vatican City do if they had evidence to back the story? Offer it up to the academic world? Or bury it?
Nearly 31,000 of these ancient clay tablets are now housed in the British Museum, most of which still have yet to be translated. Why?
Granted many of these texts are fragmented and incomplete, making context difficult to piece together at times. But does that mean we shouldn't try? Or are they deliberately not allowing the tablets to be translated? If so, what are they afraid of?
Let's begin.
Michael Tellinger continued the investigations into the Annunaki made popular by Zecharia Sitchin, in his book Slave Species of the Gods he goes into incredible detail regarding the Sumerian creation story. The book was a real eye opener for me as it breaks down the interpretations of the tablets well and makes the science easily digestible to a layman. However I am citing multiple sources in this work otherwise it could be seen as 'one mans' opinion, which it most certainly is not. Further investigation by Tellinger has added another dimension to the story as his later books have revealed more compelling evidence of massive complexes in South Africa close to ancient mining operations and dwellings as described in Part 5b of this 3 part post.
The Creation of Adamu/Adapu.

The family tree of the main characters in the story.

The Sumerian creation myth tablet was found in the ancient city of Nippur which was founded in approximately 5000BC.
It starts with the creation of Earth.
The following text describing the creation of Earth, the toil being undertaken by the Annunaki in mining the required Gold and the need to create a worker race is from this article by Ancient-Origins.net.
The creation of Earth ( Enuma Elish ) according to the Sumerian tablets begins like this:
'When in the height heaven was not named,
And the earth beneath did not yet bear a name,
And the primeval Apsu, who begat them,
And chaos, Tiamut, the mother of them both
Their waters were mingled together,
And no field was formed, no marsh was to be seen;
When of the gods none had been called into being,
And none bore a name, and no destinies were ordained;
Then were created the gods in the midst of heaven,
Lahmu and Lahamu were called into being...'
Sumerian mythology claims that, in the beginning, human-like gods ruled over Earth. When they came to the Earth, there was much work to be done and these gods toiled the soil, digging to make it habitable and mining its minerals.
The texts mention that at some point the gods mutinied against their labour.
'When the gods like men
Bore the work and suffered the toll
The toil of the gods was great,
The work was heavy, the distress was much.'
Anu, the god of gods, agreed that their labour was too great. His son Enki, or Ea, proposed to create man to bear the labour, and so, with the help of his half-sister Ninki, he did. A god was put to death, and his body and blood was mixed with clay. From that material the first human being was created, in likeness to the gods.
Enki & Ninmah

'You have slaughtered a god together
With his personality
I have removed your heavy work
I have imposed your toil on man.
In the clay, god and man
Shall be bound,
To a unity brought together;
So that to the end of days
The Flesh and the Soul
Which in a god have ripened –
That soul in a blood-kinship be bound.
This first man was created in Eden, a Sumerian word which means ‘flat terrain’.
In the Epic of Gilgamesh Eden is mentioned as the garden of the gods and is located somewhere in Mesopotamia between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.

Initially human beings were unable to reproduce on their own, but were later modified with the help of Enki and Ninki. Thus, Adapa was created as a fully functional and independent human being. This ‘modification’ was done without the approval of Enki’s brother, Enlil, and a conflict between the gods began. Enlil became the adversary of man, and the Sumerian tablet mentions that men served gods and went through much hardship and suffering.
Adapa, with the help of Enki, ascended to Anu where he failed to answer a question about ‘the bread and water of life’. Opinions vary on the similarities between this creation story and the biblical story of Adam and Eve in Eden.
So, they came from another planet (Nibiru) they came here to mine gold (for reasons that are still being debated) they toiled for millennia until the point came when they started to mutiny due to the constant hard work hence the need to create a slave race.......Sounds plausible enough, doesn't it? Frankly no! But does that mean the story is fake? No it doesn't.
The following text comes fromThe Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature and is featured in this article from theancientaliens.com. The text is directly from the Sumerian's themselves and concerns the creation of man.
The texts chronical the Anuna’s genetic experimentations as they engineered the first humans. The texts write about six attempts and how the first five were failures for various reasons ranging from deformities to androgynous life forms. Finally, the sixth was successful and insemination was used to produce the first humans from this humanoid creation. Ninmah was the original scientist trying to engineer humans. After her multiple failures she became frustrated and asked Enki to take over the development. Each of these genetic failures was kept alive and cared for in the manner it required. This shows the benevolent nature of these advanced beings. Writings later reference the “black headed ones” whom the Anuna ruled. This is obviously a reference to early black skinned people who were likely the first mass-procreated creations of the Anuna. The reference to their color implies the Anuna were not black (otherwise, why call out the color?). But, no other skin color is described. Some theorize this genetic development took place in what the Hebrew and Christian Bible call the Garden of Eden and that Adam and Eve were the first two creations that were used to procreate humanity. The garden may have been a biosphere where the genetically engineered humanoids would be nurtured and studied–determining what needed to be improved upon. The obvious implication is that the Genesis stories of creation are actually rooted in Sumerian history and the Annuna (Annunaki).
Note “…” and "?" means that sections of the original text were damaged or unreadable.

In those days, in the days when heaven and earth were created; in those nights, in the nights when heaven and earth were created; in those years, in the years when the fates were determined; when the Anuna gods were born; when the goddesses were taken in marriage; when the goddesses were distributed in heaven and earth; when the goddesses …… became pregnant and gave birth; when the gods were obliged (?) …… their food …… dining halls; the senior gods oversaw the work, while the minor gods were bearing the toil. The gods were digging the canals and piling up the silt in Ḫarali. The gods, crushing the clay, began complaining about this life.
12-23. At that time, the one of great wisdom, the creator of all the senior gods, Enki lay on his bed, not waking up from his sleep, in the deep engur, in the subterranean water, the place the inside of which no other god knows. The gods said, weeping: "He is the cause of the lamenting!" Namma, the primeval mother who gave birth to the senior gods, took the tears of the gods to the one who lay sleeping, to the one who did not wake up from his bed, to her son: "Are you really lying there asleep, and …… not awake? The gods, your creatures, are smashing their ……. My son, wake up from your bed! Please apply the skill deriving from your wisdom and create a substitute (?) for the gods so that they can be freed from their toil!"
24-37. At the word of his mother Namma, Enki rose up from his bed. In Ḫal-an-kug, his room for pondering, he slapped his thigh in annoyance. The wise and intelligent one, the prudent, …… of skills, the fashioner of the design of everything brought to life birth-goddesses (?). Enki reached out his arm over them and turned his attention to them. And after Enki, the fashioner of designs by himself, had pondered the matter, he said to his mother Namma: "My mother, the creature you planned will really come into existence. Impose on him the work of carrying baskets. You should knead clay from the top of the abzu; the birth-goddesses (?) will nip off the clay and you shall bring the form into existence. Let Ninmaḫ act as your assistant; and letNinimma, Šu-zi-ana, Ninmada, Ninbarag, Ninmug, …… and Ninguna stand by as you give birth. My mother, after you have decreed his fate, let Ninmaḫ impose on him the work of carrying baskets."
5 lines fragmentary …… she placed it on grass and purified the birth.
44-51. Enki …… brought joy to their heart. He set a feast for his mother Namma and forNinmaḫ. All the princely birth-goddesses (?) …… ate delicate reed (?) and bread. An, Enlil, and Lord Nudimmud roasted holy kids. All the senior gods praised him: "O lord of wide understanding, who is as wise as you? Enki, the great lord, who can equal your actions? Like a corporeal father, you are the one who has the me of deciding destinies, in fact you are the me."
52-55. Enki and Ninmaḫ drank beer, their hearts became elated, and then Ninmaḫ said to Enki: "Man's body can be either good or bad and whether I make a fate good or bad depends on my will."
56-61. Enki answered Ninmaḫ: "I will counterbalance whatever fate -- good or bad -- you happen to decide." Ninmaḫ took clay from the top of the abzu in her hand and she fashioned from it first a man who could not bend his outstretched weak hands. Enki looked at the man who cannot bend his outstretched weak hands, and decreed his fate: he appointed him as a servant of the king.
62-65. Second, she fashioned one who turned back (?) the light, a man with constantly opened eyes (?). Enki looked at the who turned back (?) the light, the man with constantly opened eyes (?), and decreed his fate allotting to it the musical arts, making him as the chief …… in the king's presence.
66-68. {Third, she fashioned one with both feet broken, one with paralysed feet. Enki looked at the one with both feet broken, the one with paralysed feet and …… him for the work of …… and the silversmith and …….} {(1 ms. has instead:) She fashioned one, a third one, born as an idiot. Enki looked at this one, the one born as an idiot, and decreed his fate: he appointed him as a servant of the king.}
69-71. Fourth, she fashioned one who could not hold back his urine. Enki looked at the one who could not hold back his urine and bathed him in enchanted water and drove out the namtar demon from his body.
72-74. Fifth, she fashioned a woman who could not give birth. Enki looked at the woman who could not give birth, {and decreed her fate: he made (?) her belong to the queen's household.} {(1 ms. has instead:) …… as a weaver, fashioned her to belong to the queen's household.}
75-78. Sixth, she fashioned one with neither penis nor vagina on its body. Enki looked at the one with neither penis nor vagina on its body and gave it the name 'Nibru eunuch (?)', and decreed as its fate to stand before the king.
79-82. {Ninmaḫ threw the pinched-off clay from her hand on the ground and a great silence fell}{(1 ms. has instead:) Enki threw all (?) the clay to the ground and was greatly ……}. The great lord Enki said to Ninmaḫ: "I have decreed the fates of your creatures and given them their daily bread. Come, now I will fashion somebody for you, and you must decree the fate of the newborn one!"
83-91. Enki devised a shape with head, …… and mouth in its middle, and said to Ninmaḫ: "Pour ejaculated semen into a woman's womb, and the woman will give birth to the semen of her womb." Ninmaḫ stood by for the newborn ……. and the woman brought forth …… in the midst ……. In return (?), this was Umul: its head was afflicted, its place of …… was afflicted, its eyes were afflicted, its neck was afflicted. It could hardly breathe, its ribs were shaky, its lungs were afflicted, its heart was afflicted, its bowels were afflicted. With its hand and its lolling head it could not not put bread into its mouth; its spine and head were dislocated. The weak hips and the shaky feet could not carry (?) it on the field -- Enki fashioned it in this way.
92-101. Enki said to Ninmaḫ: "For your creatures I have decreed a fate, I have given them their daily bread. Now, you should decree a fate for my creature, give him his daily bread too."Ninmaḫ looked at Umul and turned to him. She went nearer to Umul asked him questions but he could not speak. She offered him bread to eat but he could not reach out for it. He could not lie on ……, he could not ……. Standing up he could not sit down, could not lie down, he could not …… a house, he could not eat bread. Ninmaḫ answered Enki: "The man you have fashioned is neither alive nor dead. He cannot support himself (?)."
102-110. Enki answered Ninmaḫ: "I decreed a fate for the first man with the weak hands, I gave him bread. I decreed a fate for the man who turned back (?) the light, I gave him bread. I decreed a fate for the man with broken, paralysed feet, I gave him bread. I decreed a fate for the man who could not hold back his urine, I gave him bread. I decreed a fate for the woman who could not give birth, I gave her bread. I decreed the fate for the one with neither penis nor vagina on its body, I gave it bread. My sister, ……."
The ancient Sumerian texts are unreadable in many areas due to age and decay. We do not completely understand the creation of the "black headed ones" but we understand this was the eventual successful genetic experiment that resulted in mankind. After this, it is written that the Annunaki bred with humans and created hybrid versions of themselves (alien + human) with increased health, strength and intelligence. Are we the decendents of these creations? Is mankind the missing link anthropologists have been trying to discover?
I've read these texts over and over again trying to get my head into the mindset of the alledged primative people that are supposed to have written them. The one thing that I can never understand is....why?
If as mainstream academia would have us believe these stories are the fantasies of the Sumerian's and are completely made up why would they go into such detail?
Why speak of the failures the Annunaki had when attempting to create a viable hominid?
Why chronical something that didn't happen as though it did? This question is the most important as far as I'm concerned as most of the thousands of clay tablets are enscribed with relatively mundane information such as business contracts, treaties and low level government 'paperwork'.
And if we chose to believe certain aspect of the Sumerian texts and not others who decides which are believable and which are fantasy? We have this with religious scriptures all the time. Certain parts of the Bible are considered 'history' as are parts of all of the holy books, whether Hindu, Islamic, Christian, Jewish, or Buddhist.
The parts that are apparently believable to us are based on our assumption that modern humans are the most technologically advanced race there has a ever been. In my opinion that is an incredibly arrogant assumption
Within these incredible ancient texts are stories that have an uncanny resemblance to the Biblical stories of creation, deities, and even a reference to a great flood and a giant ark to survive it.
One element of the tablets that is hotly debated within archaeology circles is the nature of the Annunaki. Considered by the mainstream to be metaphors for a creation myth, the stories of the Annunaki can actually be found in other texts, specifically the book of Genesis in the Hebrew and Christian religions, but with many of the names altered or changed.
From the creation of 'heaven and earth' out of a 'watery abyss' to the notion of being created in a higher being’s image, and even in the familiar 'Adam and Eve' and 'Noah’s Ark' stories, there is no question that these stories maintain eerily similar depictions of the origins of our species. But the question is, if these tablets are older than the Bible, then what elements of these stories are myth and how much of it is true?
There is a school of thought that has concluded that not only is the planet Nibiru real, but that the Annunaki were a powerful race of extraterrestrials with the capacity for genetic experimentation and manipulation. One of the more compelling arguments for this is the fact that science has recently revealed that there probably was a global catastrophic flood that took place about 10,000 years ago. This could account for a major loss of human population and could have essentially hit the reset button on civilization as human beings were forced to start over from scratch. Was there an 'Ark' or ship of some kind that was able to save a small percentage of the population, to later rebuild society? If so, was this simply a metaphor for an alien spaceship or an actual wooden boat? According to the followers of Sitchin’s school of thought, if these stories were metaphors, it was for the technology used by these powerful beings.
Final thought.
There are so many unanswered questions regarding the history of Homo sapiens and the Sumerian story of the Annunaki. I'm not convinced yet that the translations made so far are correct however as new researchers take up the mantel and follow the new evidence being unearthed by Michael Telliger and others I hope that more translated texts will be corroborated by physical evidence. Hopefully then the mainstream academic establishments will look again at the Sumerian stories with renewed vigour.
Until then the question remains, If our species was the result of genetic experimentation by alien life, where are they now?


Wow....I have to re-read the entire series as a whole now.
This is a fantastic piece of work TP.
Well researched and I love hearing your comical thoughts about such serious subjects. This one seemed a bit more on the serious side for ya! ;) <3 This information is phenomenal and has the potential to change the world as we know it today. Maybe we should storm troop the Vatican and get into the vaults. We won't book burn---->We will publish everything we find for the word to ponder.
Indiana jones style.
I can just see you storming the Vatican 😂
Thanks for the kind words babe. There are some things the power elites won't ever let the public in on. I guess time will tell if this is one of them. So many conspiracies so little time eh?!
So many Conspiracies, so little time )) very good !! Then this one from your post " questions that are buzzing around your brain like a kamakazi bumblebee " hilarious really !! So this series of posts must be one of the best compilations of work i have ever seen produced on Steemit,!! Your Sir are in a class of your own really !! Upvoted easlily as ever @tremedospercy !
Hey that's a really kind comment dude. Considering the quality of many of the writers here I take that as a huge compliment.
Thanks so much for taking the time to read and comment buddy.
Dude this was an epic post really on such a huge and complex subject ! The work and research you clearly put in was quite simply titanesque !! So like i said an amazing post which when read make the mind boggle with information !! Keep on Steeming Brother )
Wow! Excellent work my friend , every time I read these posts it sends my brain off on so many tangents that it's difficult to remain composed. But let's give it a try, I'm in complete agreement with your perspective regarding why the Sumerians would go to so much trouble to simply make up such an intricate story? It really doesn't make sense? With regards to the great flood, this is a story that fascinates me as it seems to pop up in so many places! If we believe the validity of the biblical flood then the Sumerian account pre-dates it? Does that mean there were two floods with two arks? No I believe these to be interpretations of one story. A story that has been shattered into so many pieces it's been impossible for humanity to grasp the complete truth. There are so many truths that have been held back from us, but the dam of lies is breaking under the weight of thousands of years of deceit. We are awaiting the next great flood, but this time it will be a flood of hidden knowledge and it will be pieced together by the research and contemplation of people like yourself. Sorry if I'm going off on one, but once again I blame your great posts! Catch you soon dude.
Thanks for the great comment mate.
I agree fully with all of your thoughts. I like this especially: "There are so many truths that have been held back from us, but the dam of lies is breaking under the weight of thousands of years of deceit."
That's sums it up buddy. Thanks for checking it out and commenting so thoughtfully as always.
Yeah, it's so funny that as a whole, we think we're so damn smart, knowledgeable, advanced...yet...we don't even know our own origins.
It'd be nice to know what ever the truth is.
It would clear up the reason as to why we're so destructive to our own planet. It's not ours!
Thanks for reading and commenting Lyndsay.
You Brits and your crop circles!
Just kidding!
Great piece, gets people thinking about things they may never have thought about before, not to touch into their beliefs, just getting them to think a little out of the box!
Excellent stuff!
You might end up having a contract out signed by the guys east and in Rome if you keep this up!
Haha, I think there are others that would get whacked before I get on the list.
Cheers for reading and commenting buddy.
What a great research you have done. I guess its been quite a long reading and research. I'm really impress and I can see by the quality of this post how much effort you have put in this. I believe there might be some sort of intervention from space. It was great reading and imaging all this creation story. Thank you very much. @OriginalWorks
Thanks Roberto.
You may be right, keep looking to the skies. They'll return one day.
Cheers for reading and commenting my friend.
Thank you for putting so much effort in this :]
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Great final post on this topic. Awesome work buddy.
Thanks Muxxy 😉
In recent years I've often found myself wondering what was out there and why would it only be us? Grand mistake? Unlikely. Grand Design? Possible. If this is the case, though, it really does beg the question of "What Next?"
@tremendospercy, you do a splendid job of presenting theories outside of the norm and I can completely appreciate that.
The one thing I always like to consider is the fact that there are many different incarnations of the Christian Bible and rewritings of other Holy Scriptures and Holy Stories. There are so many similar stories that I cannot sit back and think they are "just stories", however I do wonder if some of the "filler space" isn't just some guy that translated the Bible and thought to himself "I think this needs a little something more."
That's my thinking, at least.
Thanks buddy, I'm not sure we'll ever know what really went on in antiquity how're I'm certain it's not what we've been told.
Thanks for reading and commenting dude.
No problem, and I completely agree that we're missing some key truths in our histories. Then again, it's common that history is slanted towards the victors; and once the real truth has been obscured, it can be next to impossible to find the accurate truth.
Upvoted and RESTEEMED :)
Alllllll righty then! Thanks buddy.
All these posts are so compelling to read, just imagine if this were all true and what that would mean...
I have done many times. The world would never be the same again.
Thanks for reading @skytrex
Just keep it up mate and i'll keep upvoting your posts!
An absolutely fascinating read - never come across these theories before. Must catch up with the previous posts in this series.
The question I ask myself is - were the Sumerians very good sci-fi writers, or not so good chroniclers of history...
Or maybe they just wrote down what they saw and experienced.
Hopefully one day we'll know.
Thanks for reading buddy.
Wow this is impressive i must confess. This is my fisrt time of coming across such a well detailed series like this on steemit although am a minnow with little experience but THIS!!! This is wonderful.
Keep it up.
Thanks buddy, if you look back through my work you will find quite a few like this. Thankyou for reading and commenting.
I listened to cosmic abandonment seminar by mark passio. Completely blew my mind.
Reading this now... so incredibly good.
re-steeming so I can find and finish later.
Garden is calling. :P
Thank you so much buddy.
No problem bud. Excited to sit down this evening and finish reading it.
It was worth it reading all of this awesome read!! thankyou for such great writings , also I have a story about unsung hero that you might like.
Please read and if you like do give upvote this is the motivation that keeps newbies like us keep growing thankyou so much! https://steemit.com/story/@haky-speaks/the-amazing-story-of-irena-sendler
I took a look at your work and it looks like plagiarised content.
You need to give credit to your sources of text and pictures, if you don't you will be voted down.
Using other people's work is ok as long as you make that clear in your post. With pictures always leave a link to the source. You can find help in how to do that in 'Markdown guide' on the posting page.
Thank you for reading and the kind comment, I'll take a look at your work buddy.
I cannot get enough of the Annunaki story, I must have viewed every video on the subject at least 3 times now. Great read, thanks for posting
Thanks for reading and commeting mate, it really is the most fascinating story.
You're a master at research, my friend. It does fly in the face of creation as the Christian Bible has Adam and Eve created as perfect and all the animals were subject to them under God. Either document demands faith of some sort. I enjoy these articles, you present compelling information. You end with where are they? Do you have any speculation on that? Much <3
Thank you for the kind words Janelle.
Who knows where they are, maybe watching us as we speak.
Hopefully one day the story will be pieced together and the true story of our heritage will come out. 😉
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Maybe this is not the time to be told
Just went through all your Anunnaki series, brilliant work. 100% upvote.
Signs and symbols of the Anunnaki sure mean a lot to the masonic elites who have guarded and occulted the ancient knowledge for so long.
You make this so fun!!!!! I am having a blast reading all these wonderful posts :) SUNSHINE247
Thanks for saying so buddy 😉