Thanks @invinciblelight, for providing so much great information in this post. The truth about vaccines needs to get out there. So many people do not realise the dangers and are not aware of all the evidence. People still believe that vaccines are eradicating diseases that were already declining prior to the onslaught of injections that are being forced on our children.
Also great information on GMOs and fluoridation.
You're welcome, @spectrumecons! ☺
Yep, we have to spread awareness to help them realsie that what they were told by their beloved government, doctors and autohorities are pure lies. People should come out of their fear and comfort-zone of being in the security. And they should join their hands together and become united to go against the crime.
If people refuse to buy what they are selling - their ideas, their wars, their inevitability, their version of history, their genetically modified artificial system...then system will collpase.
United we stand, devided we fall.