Have you notice that when discussing a topic or issue most people will lead off with, "Well, you know what they say...."
My question is "Who are they anyway?" It seems that if "they" is used as the qualifier for what is about to be said then it is undeniable truth. For who can disagree with what "they" say. We have become a parrot society only repeating what we hear and learning is become memorization. Not challenging and question to prove all things - 1 Thessalonians 5:21.
School has become the institution of memorization. Not an institution of learning and reasoning. Even in the Bible God calls us to reason with Him. Not just to memorize scripture and parrot it out without understanding, but to read and understand His Word. Isaiah 1:18 KJV. We throw memorized catch phrases at each other like playing a game of battleship with words. "I'll sink you submarine with blah blah blah" and so on.
The only real truth is Jesus Christ, the Word made flesh - John 14:6.
We are to listen and hear different opinions (Pro 18:13), however, we are to always be prepared to give an answer for the truth of the Hope in Jesus Christ (1 Peter 3:15).
From Joseph Goebbels - "If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it."