Facts and instructions on how to clear your skies from the heavy metals

Ok, I'm going to detail the facts and instructions on how to clear your skies from the heavy metals and I HOPE DOR too. Here's a book that explains what DOR is, and my guess is that the chemtrails are a cover for the REAL toxic radiation - DOR.
Please do YOUR PART in fighting in this war to clean up Mother Earth from the evils' ATTACKS and STOP them from harming you and all living things on earth!
People have been getting sick from the spraying chemtrails or DOR for decades. I can't even breath now as of January 2024.
I created this article as well with other content on removing chemtrails and DOR.
I haven't done this yet and the ongoing smell of the vinegar would drive me insane, so it would somehow have to be done outdoors even in the winter.
The idea is to use white vinegar and it amazingly stops the evils from either spraying or clearing what they have already sprayed. We need to ALL do this together.
I'll put a Q & A section at the bottom.
This is his fact sheet I'm typing out from Divine Truth1 on YouTube here.
The English isn't mine (he's a Truther Brit), and I don't have time to edit it all, so I'm sorry about that.
- They are using alkaline metal particulates to create geo cloudes that block our sunlight.
- Supermarket distilled white vinegar is typically 5% vinegar and 95% water, so you need to simmer (never boil it) to half the amount to concentrate the soluton.
- Simmering will remove most of the water content giving you a much stronger vinegar solution to fight the geo engineering. Alternatively, buy stronger solutions online.
- If you live in a colder climate, keeping the vinegar warm while outside is best, but even cold a couple of liters of it can make a difference to your skies.
- Put dark bowls (dark bowls attract the sun's heat) of the vinegar outside, or rebottle it after simmering and put outside in the path of the sun.
- 2 liters of concentrated white vinegar can and will help to change your skies.
- Leave it outside 24/7 and just replenish when it starts to run low. Remember, you need a COUPLE of liters of it.
- Methods to dispense it... Humidifier. (Michelle - He runs concentrated white vinegar via a cheap humidifier. Here is one type of humidifier and another type of humidifier.)
- Always paint the entire plastic bottle black leave no possibility of it acting as a lens
- Put bottles in your local area within a 2 mile radius, high locations are better than low ones. Note the locations so you can go back and pick them up/replace them
- you can use a fork to remove the plastic pin hole cap from the bottle. Then simmer the vinegar to remove 1/4 of the content which will make it stronger than 5 percent but still leave a lot of vinegar in the bottle, replace the white plastic cap once you have done that and widen the hole to help the vinegar dispense.
- Make a little map of the locations you have put the bottles, tall grass that is good for hiding them pick an open area (not a farmers field) with no trees to close by). 5 to 6 bottles should suffice in most regions but if you want to put out more you can just make sure you KNOW THE EXACT LOCATION YOU PUT THEM so you can pick them up or refill later
- Try and place the bottles in the path of the sun, so 1 bottle for early morning sun 3 for midday 2 for evening (4pm onwards) remember to partially hide the bottles. You do not want a sheeple or tare removing them.
- White vinegar promotes clement weather, meaning it helps repel bad weather. So if you are sick of the clouds, the sunblocking, the cold, get it outside your homes and in your local area, particularly if you live ins Scotland or Ireland as this is where the bad weather fronts come in.
- This really makes a MASSIVE DIFFERENCE particularly as most (sheeple who should be people) are not willing to do anything. Just getting a few bottles In your regions within a couple of miles of your home will improve the amount of sunlight you get AND if you can keep the vinegar warm in your garden using barbeque coals, slow cookers or similar, we can ensure we all get the summer we DESERVE. The goal is CONSISTENT SUNSHINE THROUGHOUT THE YEAR. Please start doing your part to achieve it wherever you live.
- Use a large essential oil burners like this - https://nimb.ws/ES1rkn. It creates the most concentrated form of vinegar with an essential oil burner.
- 8 hour tea light
- Stack empty tea lights so it brings the lite tea light as close to the top as possible.
- He covers up the back hole (I don't know what he means 100%) with tin foil and partially covers the front hole with tin foil allowing just enough air to keep the candle lite.
This creates a mini oven and helps accelerate the vinegar dispensing.
To do this outside you need to put it inside a bowl so the candle doesn't blow out and make sure it's not hear anything flammable.
- Put a reminder on your phone to top up the vinegar.
- If you are doing this inside, make sure you blow out the candle if you leave the house.
I used to use the method but stopped because as I do not have outdoor space I had problems getting the vinegar to go out the window if it was windy. Now I have a method of getting it out using a funnel and tubing and it works better than anything else I have used. The reason the method described works best is the small amount of very very concentrated vinegar you are making. It is not rocket science and I really would urge any sky warriors to add this to their arsenal. It is 15c today where I live, the sky is blue and I am warm, dont need any heating at all..
Try it before you deny it. If you feel the vinegar stinks, add some citrus fruit juice to it to lessen the smell..be creative, be a SKY WARRIOR
- These instructions are from Fransje Bik, and here is her video showing you her results in 2022."Hi Kebb, ad far as I know now you can let it outside till it is almost vaporised. If you want rain, do the vinegar back in a bottle. Rain can come! Do not forget to heat the vinegar first, let it slimmmer till there is ½ of it and than set it somewhere outside. Those 3 cups of me are from 1 bottle vinegar 6%. I bought a jerrycan with 14% and cannot find it anymore. When it is back, I will slimmer vinegar 14%.
Q. Why don't you boil the vinegar?
A. OK well in truth vinegar boils at a higher temp than water does, however, boiling could destroy the molecular structure of the vinegar so that is why I say simmer it instead.
Q. How does the vinegar go up that high to the atmosphere?
A. We are talking particles (ions) and they get up to the upper atmosphere same way rain gets there, in fact strong vinegar evaporates faster than water does. White vinegar works best in high pressure weather, high pressure pushes clouds down toward the earth making it easier for the vinegar to reach them. Low pressure weather means the clouds are much higher up, which allows them to bring in bad weather and block the sun,
Q. 1. If you use a humidifier do you reduce it down 1st, or use the straight 5% in the humidifier and no water. I've put a little vinegar in my humidifier for years to clear the air. Excellent for smoke & cooking smells. Do you just run the humidifier outside?
- What about apple cider vinegar? Would it need to be reduced or should it Not be used because it is unfiltered?
- I dont understand the tubing on the window. Could you post a picture? Thank you for thos great info.
A. you should reduce the white vinegar *not any other kind, before you put it in the humidifier and put the humidifier outside.
Alternatively you can use essential oil burners to simmer it outside and this is the very best method I have found. I am now clearing the sky for miles using very small amounts of vinegar in essential oil burners.
Q. I just saw you mention trying not to put your containers by trees; unfortunately, my area of Western Massachusetts is forest city.
Granted there are some higher not craggy looking mountain areas but these are also tree laden.
Also, would the vinegar dispersal attract any "annoying insects" like say wasps?
A. You can put it near trees it wont harm them but you want it in a clearing so it goes into the sky. Use essential oil burners and tea light candles to dispense it. Makes an extremely strong vinegar using this method and is now the only method I use. I clear the sky for MILES on a regular basis.
Q. A question - is there a way to boost the process of this?
Not sure just how much vinegar could take out X amount of chem clouds?
Also, what about the HAARP styled "clouds" that also help with what these jerks like to do to us?
A lot of those combined with the chem clouds block out the sun most of the time, at least around me they have in Western Massachusetts.
One last question - ever notice how if you do get a blue sky, it's not all one uniform blue color? Was wondering if that was a project bluebeam thing or something else?
I've physically seen areas that would be darker blue, "washed out denim" blue, other variants of blue all at the same time?
A. Use a couple of essential oil burners, 8 hr tea lights and your effort. You would be surprised what you can achieve.
Q. Thanks for this info - I'm good to get started now. As I live in Scotland, dos it matter if rainwater gets into the bowls or bottles and dilutes the vinegar?
A. Water will dilute it making it weaker. you can partially cover it when its raining. Try under a chair on rainy days but experiment if that doesnt do it for you. If you are in a remote location with any land try keeping it warm outside away from the house as it does smell as warm vinegar always works better than cold vinegar, They are already on their way to ruining the summer yet again this year although we had tons of sunlight during spring, they now have low pressure system firmly back over the UK again.
Q. I just got spirit white vinegar instead of distilled. Will it work the same? I understood that simmering the vinegar was to increase its strength by reducing the water content. Do we have to put it outside when hot and steaming or would cold be ok? Thank you
A. You could try it, but I have no idea if it will work, might be better might be worse. If it doesnt work just buy normal white vinegar instead.
Q. Here in Australia hence flooding on the East Coast 👺 thank you I'll share as much as possible 😀 😊 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
A. It does seem to help promote clement weather so if you are in a region they are trying to flood out it is worth using white vinegar en mass
Q. Can you show how you did the tubing? I was distributing vinegar out the window with a hand held steamer, but it broke cause i wore it out. Now i am back to my diffuser. Would like to try this also.
A. I cut the top part of a plastic coke bottle the large bottles, I placed the top over the essential oil burner like a hat, pushing it down over the sides. the opening in the coke bottle is where I put the tubing. Once you use tea lights the bottle will seal around the essential oil burner,
Q. Does this clear normal clouds like we have today in the uk? I’m currently running an experiment to see if it does. But would like to know if anyone else has already tried. Thanks.
A. It helps clear all RAINLESS CLOUDS. I live in the UK and have been using it for a few years to stop them blocking the sun, but it is harder here because we are not close to the equator,. It is easy for them to manipulate UK weather for that reasom. Countries that typically have hot or warm weather systems will have a very easy time clearing the clouds using white vinegar,
if you can keep it warm outside, barbeque coals, candles, wood fire, it will work much beter,
Q. Trying the vinegar today when the trails are creating a translucent haze across the sky, which has been occurring over the last few months. 30 minutes after putting the vinegar in motion, they have drawn a huge X over our house!! Not giving up…
A. Try to keep it warm outside if you can, slow cooker, barbacue coals even candles underneath a pyrex glass bowl with the vinegar will help it work much better and yes they do fight back.
Q. so one person alone with the use of White Vinegar has the power to stop the Chemtrails objective in their local area!!??
A. Yes, you can change your skies, go and watch Fransje Bik videos in the playlist that is linked in the pinned comment. It needs to be kept warm at all times outside, there are videos in the playlist that give options for keeping it warm. You wont win every day but when it is high pressure weather the clouds are closer to earth and it means if you get rid of the alkaline metals they are using as a buffer to stop the sun reaching the clouds the sun burns the clouds away.
Q. Acetic acid is diluted to make white vinegar apparently so is it good to use acetic acid instead of simmering the white vinegar?
A. You can but make sure it smells like vinegar some acetic acids smell like chemicals.
Q. so... Basically I need to spoil in a small amount of vinegar directly from the bottle in the essential oil burner and surround the essential oil burner with longer lasting candles to keep it warm. That means I can skip simmering process in the kitchen, right? Sorry, english is not my native.
A. You put the tea light candle inside the essential oil burner and the vinegar goes in the top. It means you do not have to simmer it.
Q. thanks for the knowledge! One more question though please. When simmering down the vinegar to make it stronger, that means a very slight low heat boil isn't it? That's what you mean by simmering? Just asking because you emphasised to not boil the vinegar and I got a little bit confused.
A. Yes that is what I mean, slight low heat bubbles but not actual boiling.
Q. can vineger be in small metal pot or enameled container?
A. pyrex glass or ceramic containers are best but metal can also be used although the vinegar will corrode alkaline metal containers over time.
Q. Hi is it possible to do this if you are in an apartment complex?
A. Sure just buy some tubing and tape it into open bottles and lay the tubing out a window.
Q. How much do we reduce it by
A. You need it to be very STRONG so simmer it and reduce the amount by half before you put it out.
Q. I got 8% acetic acid vinegar do I still need to simmer it ?
A. I would simmer it to reduce it by half, will be a very strong vinegar if you do and will give you great results. alternatively just put it in some essential oil burners and keep it warm with tea light candles. that will give you the best sky cleanser of all and is now my preferred method I literally clear the sky for miles using oil burners.
Q. i found a vinegar solution of 80%. would that be overkill or would that work even better? It looks a little hazardous...
A. You can water it down with shop bought vinegar which is 5 percent.
Q. does it matter if the vinager is synthetic or natural?
A. Not sure, just try it and see if it works.
P.S. I already know that the evil aliens are behind this. Here's information on alien orbs.
Our Free Society
The only way to win this war is with US!
People can shirk their responsibility in all of this which is just cowardice, but every day you can always choose to REALLY wake UP to Help Save Yourself, Humanity, and our Mother Earth.
Truth, Spirituality (nothing to do with the psyop known a religion), shedding your childhood trauma, becoming a mature adult, and then taking responsibility for yourself HAS to be done.
I know it's hard because the evils control us, but it HAS to be done. If we all start to do it, this war WILL BE OVER. We have the POWER to stop them, but you have to play your part.
The key is learning who you are with everything else stripped away. Truly look in the mirror.
Learn how to love and respect yourself and then help others. If we all help one another, that's sharing the workload.
Build alternative communities based on FREEDOM and Truth. Do it together outside of the evils' mafia governments. It's the ONLY way.
It's our negative energy they feed off of. So long as we aren't United and Strong, they can control us. We need to be United and Strong and NOT just accept what is going on. This is NOT a movie!!!
Both parts have to be done AND people have to STOP WORSHIPING MONEY.
The evils use money as a WEAPON. Money shouldn't be used to judge others by their WORTH. Anyone who thinks this way is controlled by the evils and is harming Humanity. Yes we need it in THEIR system, so that's why you need to break FREE from their evil MATRIX.
This war can ONLY BE WON BY US, not some deity or Human. That's where the psyop religion comes in - SALVATIONISM.
They want you to NEVER grow up and fight them. They want you waiting for someone ELSE to save you so they have free reign to kill us.
Here's my alternative therapy page. I hope you read and bookmark it. https://ourfreesociety.com/alternative-therapy-courses/
There's NO SHAME in admitting you have issues. WE ALL DO.
It's when you don't care and don't work to rid yourself of them (this doesn't happen overnight, it's a work in progress) that I have a problem with that because you refusing to not do the work affects ALL of us, not just YOU.
With tough Love
Our Free Society
I hope you learned something.
Never make Authority your Truth... make Truth your Authority
The definition of insanity is blind obedience.
Culture teaches us that only the police have the right to defend.
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Posted from my blog with Exxp : https://ourfreesociety.com/facts-and-instructions-on-how-to-clear-your-skies-from-the-heavy-metals/