Cops are nazis who work for the mafia government

Here is good proof that Cops are nazis who work for the mafia government.
I knew this before, but didn't have links.
I give 100% credit to Randy William and here is his YT channel. Please support other Truthers and all the hard work they do.
I copied this from a channel and this was his comment.
I'll just in more blank lines for ease of reading and note that this is for America and the United States (US), but it's the same everywhere. I don't care WHAT country you live in, the police and military work for THE EVILS.
"I just had to add this in here so you can think for yourself, maybe.
Have you ever wondered why they call us civilians?
Have you ever wondered why everything in that organization is based on military terminology, ideology, and tactics?
Have you ever wondered why they have a military hierarchy ranking system?
Have you ever looked up the word Mercenary?
They're paid to do the bidding of their masters. Their corporations are under the direct orders of the ruling class.
These people are the standing army my forefathers warned us about.
I'll share their training with you also, and you tell me, if you still believe they're serving and protecting "We the People".
All enforcers(LEO) in our country are trained to hate the people and to think of us as nothing but animals, and their enemy. They have a loathing hate for the auditors/activist the most, because they expose them for the traitors and tyrants that they truly are.
The following is how they're trained and I call it = Police Brutality in Our Police State
The sad fact is that enforcers(LEO) do not know, nor do they want to know, that they are agents(mercenaries) acting on behalf of a corporate government, and a ruling class that resents and begrudges both human and constitutional rights. Instead...very shortly after being given a position of authority, enforcers(LEO) quickly fall into the miry numbness of day-to-day bureaucratic and systematic processes meant to dull their minds and their senses and they become pre-programmed shells of what they once were. The tyranny and oppression they deliver to the people is the enforcers fault, because they allow it. They are the tool the tyrannical masters use to dispose of and annihilate any who would dare to not be sheep or dare to question the order, existence or behavior of the "legal" process.
Look into Stanford prison experiment and the Milgram experiment. These two are an eye opener of what regular people are capable of doing to each other when they obey perceived authority figures.
One of the most popular police trainers in the United States is Dave Grossman. He teaches a seminar called, "Killology." In his seminar he teaches cops and their trainers that there are only two kinds of citizens: Sheep or Wolves. There are so many things wrong with this line of thinking. Besides teaching cops to see people as animals, not as people, he is also teaching them that if a person does not act like a sheep, they must be a wolf and, according to Grossman, wolves must die. It is disgusting and degrading for the corporate government to see its citizens in such a dark way.
Here is a link to the training:
Also, we need not wonder why the police target Black Americans. Because even if a Black American falls into the "sheep" category, they are seen as "black sheep." This then causes a double bind for Black folks when dealing with law enforcement.
How about a dose of truth about US Law Enforcement:
- The Supreme Court has ruled that the police have NO DUTY to protect the public.
Also here =
The Supreme Court has said that the police do not have to understand the laws they are sworn to protect; Supreme Court has said that the police are allowed to make "reasonable mistakes" even to the point of killing someone;
Shoot first, think later= Supreme Court has said that police are allowed to lie and be deceptive; Supreme Court has ruled that enforcers can arrest you for any reason, no matter how trivial that reason happens to be. example- If you don't wear your seatbelt, or turn on you turn signal at least 100 feet before a turn, then the enforcer can throw you in a cage. Your 4th amendment right is null and void now. Atwater v. Lago Vista, 532 U.S. 318 (2001)
The enforcers(police) in the United States investigate themselves when something goes wrong and...surprise, surprise...they’ll find that they did nothing wrong. It is human nature to, at first, get into a profession to "help people" and then, once there, realize that nobody else in that profession is helping people and that everyone else in that profession is getting away with as much as they can as often as they can and just waiting for that glorious, glorious day when they can get a state retirement and suck at the taxpayers teat for doing nothing while at the same time brag about how they "served their community" and expect people to still thank them for their service.
Why do enforcers(LEO) shoot and kill people? To have the best sex of their lives. One of the most respected and utilized enforcer(LEO) trainers in America (Dave Grossman – Look him up) tells the thousands of enforcement(LEO) trainers that he trains, that if they shoot and kill someone, they will have the best sex of their lives. He also says, "Both partners are very invested in some intense sex." He also says that cops should, after shooting and killing someone, "Relax and enjoy it." Demented, Sick, Disturbing, and Twisted. Such is the state of law enforcement.
My biggest concern is that people find out who the number one enforcer(LEO) trainer is in the US - Dave Grossman...his training is turning cops into paranoid warriors, who see all civilians as threats, whose sole purpose is to kill enforcers(LEO). Every citizen is guilty.
Every citizen needs to be challenged, questioned, interrogated, identified and categorized into either "less of a threat" or "deadly threat." Any citizen who challenges, questions or refuses a cop's commands or demands automatically becomes a "wolf" and, in Grossman's words, "Wolves need to die" either through deprivation of liberty(prison) or outright extermination. There is no such thing as "community policing" or "protecting and serving" any longer. From the moment an officer gets up in the morning until he or she goes to sleep at night...there is only surviving and God help anyone who threatens that survival...whether it is a real or perceived threat. And non-compliance, suspicious behavior, or even abnormal behavior is seen as a threat."
Thanks again Randy for your researc,h and putting puzzle pieces together.
The only thing I don't agree with is that I think he still thinks America was originally free. We weren't. It was just a lie the evils spread (MORE THEATER) so we would stop fighting and be pacified. sigh
I even read in one book that they created America to traumatize all the Europeans who moved here. Of course I believe their main reason was build a MILITARY EMPIRE (just like they did with Israhell).
Moving long distances (especially back then) is very stressful. Moving even within your own city is very stressful, which is why it's up there along with taxes and death as being very stressful.
Here's 2 links you can read/watch about the topic. Link 1 and Link 2.
Here's 2 good music videos that depict who nazi cops REALLY are. I'm so SICK of Americans protecting cops, the police, and the military and applaud them keeping us as slaves and harming and killing us. Oh, and going off to other countries to maim, kill and steal from the people there. I've only ever seen ONE veteran's facebook group where they are AGAINST WAR. The rest of the veterans are blood thirsty, already damaged both physically or emotionally and they STILL never say anything against the MILITARY STATE, and/or never question anything, they just parrot the lies and BS about terrorists, or even if they do, they CONTINUE to harm and kill others saying they have to follow orders.
The evils don't lift a finger, their braindead ZOMBIES enforce all of the criminal acts against us and that's Worldwide. Link 1 and Link 2.
Our Free Society
I hope you learned something.
Never make Authority your Truth... make Truth your Authority
The definition of insanity is blind obedience.
Culture teaches us that only the police have the right to defend.
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A knowledgeable mind will set you FREE and so will using Natural Law to fight the evils and evil collectives. Remember, according to Natural Law, if you or anyone you know is under attack, spiritually and lawfully you are allowed to fight back even by killing that person!
Truth, connecting to consciousness, following Natural Law, learning how to love and respect yourself and then others, to build a better world, is ALL that Matters, and then taking ACTION!
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