Why do you label yourselves like a bunch of idiots?

in #truth6 years ago (edited)

Anyone who still labels themselves a Republican or a Democrat (or follows Bernie) is an idiot. Will you be the last one standing when the music stops and you have that stupid elephant or donkey on your hat? Soon we will see that there are only two choices moving forward. Those that either hang onto the past and continue to live in the illusion because it seems safe and easy to be a debt slave or those who choose to move forward into reality with a new system without Central Banks where transparency, safety, security, and unity for all is the attainable goal. Fuck capitalism, communism, socialism or any ism's. I look forward to a day when the solar energy that Germany can produce on a sunny day can be shared across the globe in Bolivia and the next week Bolivia in turn sends their sunny day energy to Armenia. Let's build a world where the human race is a success. Where no one person in the world is left behind. Try to imagine it!
WW3 has been raging behind the scenes. The people are winning.
There is a race to the bottom of the economy between the Federal Reserve (foreign owned, privately held, land in the US is untouchable) and the current US Administration. The Fed will raise rates until they crash our (dead) economy and blame Trump. The current Administration is attempting to stop the Central Bankers that fund the Deep State, etc. New tax plan, tariffs and trade wars that eventually lead to the largest holders of US treasuries to dump them, crushing the FANG stocks (by exposure of illegal practices) that have artificially buoyed the US stock markets, bringing our troops home from across the middle east and wiping out the mercenary armies of the deep state (isis, al queda, al-noosra) and stopping the flow of opioids, human trafficking (both live and organ/tissue) and guns through our borders (funds deep state, etc.). Who will take control of the narrative. Stay tuned...
Our current economy is dead. In order to restart the economy the old one needs to be trashed. That includes all of the politicians that currently benefit from the Federal Reserve system. We will wipe the slate clean and restart the economy. Think early 70's when we started on the petro-dollar system (high interest rates, high unemployment, high fuel costs). We will have a period of time where it will be beneficial for you to hold gold, silver and crypto-currency. The new infrastructure and economic plan that Trump is putting into place is not for this economy but for the new economy. We will have bilateral trade with individual countries (not smoke screens with 3rd party countries) and we will join the Belt and Road Trading Route with the rest of the world. We will need to be much more self sufficient in the future since no countries will be needing to sell us their exports to get US dollars to buy oil from the Saudi's.
We have had inflation all around us for the last few years but it was found in areas that we mostly benefited from (real estate, stock market, college tuition). Now, we will head into an inflationary period where we will see it in the necessities of everyday life (fuel, utilities, food).
The most important information that will be coming out in the next days, weeks and months will threaten to wipe away the innocence that most people across the world still hold within their hearts. I am almost 52 and I do not want to lose any of the innocence that I have left. I know that evil exists but at what cost do I need to 'view' it? We will see things that we never imagined that we would see. Suicides, murders, satanic ritual, child sex abuse, child/human trafficking, truth about human history that has been held from us, truth about religion as a control mechanism, truth regarding doctors/the CDC/pharmacutical/drug/healthcare companies (cancer, HIV, ADHD), truth regarding the intertwined relationships between politics, government, corporations/wall street, non-profits (red cross, oxfam, UN/nato peacekeepers, any political 'foundation' ex. Clinton Foundation, McCain Institute...), H-wood (entraptainment) and the educational complex.
Be bold and strong, choose reality. We all know (or at least have had a sense) that things have not been right for a long time. Move forward into the 'light' and join the conscious as we all awaken together.

Have no fear of death (or anything) because we are truly multi-dimensional co-creators.

P.S. If you are broke, take your last couple of nickles and buy some Litecoin (LTCUSD)now. Seriously.
Also, I see Bitcoin (BTCUSD): Next level = $13.8k, then $40k around summer and $100k around year end.
LTC should finish the year aprox. 1/5 of BTC = $20k.
There will be violent swings up and violent swings down and violent swings up and violent swings down.
Do not sell when it is down.
Do not use credit to purchase crypto.

'We Are One'