Weekly Update

in #truth7 years ago (edited)

Real personal spending declines the most since the financial crisis. We have seen this pattern before, confidence rises as spending decreases, this eventually ends in a recession.Buying plans of America declined sharply. Something very interesting is happening with Libor, the rates have risen for 37 months in a row. Watch the 10y, we have seen this indicator before and it signals a recession. We are seeing indicator after indicator showing us that the economy is not about to crash it is crashing.Facebook, Google, Amazon and other social media platforms are in trouble, they will all be investigated.Clinton speaking engagements are drying up, her payment per speech is down 90%. Investigators are now linking Obama to the FISA spying. Investigations are now officially open looking into the Clinton email and Uranium deal.Yulia is now waking up, will the deep state silence her.Kim Jong Un had a successful trip to China, the dates are being set for peace talks.Trump has made the announcement that the troops are coming home from middle east. Q’s boards has been attacked. Q it letting everyone know it is time to wake up, stories in the corporate media are now being pushed to begin the process. CEOs are resigning, other scandals are being brought into the light, the deep state is panicking, they are afraid.

There is a liquidity crisis looming in Europe and now there is one that has appeared in the mortgage arena. It looks like it is subprime armageddon all over again. China makes its next move will start to use the yuan to pay for all oil purchases, other countries will begin to ramp up on yuan and drop the dollar. Facebook employees are very angry with the company and they are speaking out. China sides with Russia on the Skripal false flag event.Turkey breaks with NATO and does not expel Russian diplomats. US admits it does the planning for Saudi Arabia in regards to the Yemen war. Turkey rejects France’s offer, France said it will bring in troops into the Kurd region to help out. Trump freezes funds to the Kurd area. The appointment of Bolton is a distraction from the real operation in Iran. This is not about going to war, this is about getting the deep state faction out of Iran that is causing problems. The faction inside of Iran is pushing for regime change, they already tried once and they will try again.

Subprime auto market has run its course, the traffic to the dealerships is now drying up. Homeowners are tapping their equity in their home refis, we are now seeing the same pattern as we saw back in 2008. The first quarter of this year was a disaster, the US had to borrow an extreme amount just to make the economy look half decent. Wyoming is in the process of passing a law that will allow gold to be counted as money, the same goes for cryptocurrency. There is now a bill in government that the dollar should be pegged to gold. Facebook and other social media giants out of control, regulation is needed and they might be broken up. London murder rate has now overtaken NYC. There is a huge number of illegals that are headed towards the US, Trump is trying to block their entry into the US. Trump wants to meet with Putin at the White House. US and South Korea start drills, NK has not responded and has not commented on the drills. The deep state has deployed more paid mercenaries to Syria, Trump calls for a complete withdrawal from Syria. The corporate media goes crazy over the withdrawal of US troops from Syria. The deep state will now counter everything the alternative media reports, truth are lies, lies are truth. They are resorting to calling everything a conspiracy theory. In the past the corporate media never responded to the alternative media now they are countering with explanations.

Trump threatens to dump NAFTA again, the deal has gone no where and it is time to get rid of the globalist trade rules. NY Fed introduces a LIBOR replacement SOFR, basically exchanging one manipulated system for another.Iran is finalizing the paper work to enter the Eurasian Economic Union. Almost all fiat systems end up in failure. There has been a long history of the central bank fiat system and each one has failed with hyperinflation as the last signal.NYC pension fund President wants Zuckerberg out of Facebook. Trump is determined to redo the immigration laws and he might send the military to the border. Mexico gets Trump’s message and deports hundreds back to their countries.UK authorities have no proof on what type of poison or where it came from. Turkey, Iran And Russia discuss Syria. Russia will help Syria rebuild their energy market. Q has dropped some more intel, April is going to be a big month.

US Service sector declines, the housing market begins to rip itself apart. Toronto housing market is plunging. NYC is now following Toronto, this will spread to the rest of the country. The economic system is accelerating to the downside, the push to bring the economy down is now heating up and the central bankers realize what is happening. Trump makes it perfectly clear that the trade war has already been lost, this is not what is destroying economy the economy was already destroyed a long time ago. Facebook says the 87 million peoples data was “shared” improperly. Mark Zuckerberg will most likely step down and leave the country. DHS has found a rogue network all throughout DC. The caravan marching through Mexico is in limbo or are they. Mueller sends encoded message to the deep state. The poisoning hoax in the UK is now falling apart. There are now reports of French troops marching into Syria. The deep state and corporate media pushed their agenda, they will not allow the troops out of Syria, phase 1 complete, get the message out, phase 2 happening behind the scenes. The deep state is becoming desperate, they are now using everything they have for the next event. The YouTube shooter was most likely controlled, they brought everything in including the kitchen sink, Iranian, You-tuber, demonetized, upset, cancelled channel, this is a setup for the next big event and a channel take-down when it hits.

Talk about change:
List of 317 CEO's and Politicians who have resigned between September 3rd, 2017 through January 5th, 2018.

Q : Now 24,544 Sealed Indictments
6,034 new from 3/1/18 to 3/31/18
24,544 new sealed indictments entered from 10/30/17 thru 3/31/18
Link to back-up files: https://tinyurl.com/yd5vn9ou
How many are normal? 1,077 per 2009 report: https://tinyurl.com/y97q9w4g
Jeff Sessions has been busy behind the scenes...

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