Has Trump Done Anything Yet? What is Happening Today & Tomorrow?

in #truth6 years ago (edited)

I still hear people talking about Trump and/or Q not doing anything, or that the plan hasn’t been implemented.
I understand why people feel this way, but let’s try to put things into perspective. I know it is hard, but I’ll give it a go.
The plan was implemented a long time ago. Even before Trump was elected. It had to have been or Trump wouldn’t have been elected. Trump was inaugurated in Jan. 2017. It is Aug, 2018. That’s a year and a little over a half.
What has been accomplished so far:

Trump was elected even though the Media was completely in the tank for Hillary, and the election was rigged. (HUGE)

*More Pedos have been arrested in the year and a half under Trump than under any previous president in that time period. At least weekly we are hearing about some sex ring being exposed, and not just in the US. It is across the globe!

It seems like half of Congress is stepping down and won’t be running for re-election.

There are hundreds of CEO’s and other higher ups in corporations that have stepped down.

The upper tiers of the FBI and DOJ have been removed and replaced.

We know about NXIVM and the Podestas, along with a significant number of Hollywood elites getting exposed.

Saudi Arabia went through a huge corruption purge.

The puppet masters in North Korea were neutralized and Trump was able to free Kim and allow him to run the country as he wants. Which appears to be as at least a S. Korea ally. Also, I don’t know for sure, but I expect the plan was being implemented when Kim became ruler of NK, his brothers would probably not have been this open to the US as an ally, even if the puppet masters were gone. I tend to think some sorting was done prior to Kim’s daddy’s death.

Several assassination attempts have been thwarted.

Human trafficking rings have been exposed on the Mexico border.

The DOJ has legitimate investigations going on of, just to name a few, the CF, the Clinton emails, U1, voter fraud, several murders (including Seth Rich), and the treasonous acts of the 2016 election and since.

Retooling and revamping of the Judicial Branch.

Established alliances in the Legislative Branch.

Over 45,000 sealed indictments.

The public is aware of the MSM’s skullduggery.

The public is more suspicious of the official narrative, making it more possible to implement the rest of the plan.

The US economy is no longer being intentionally strangled to make alternative governments appear appealing.

GITMO is ready for new Tenants.

What the patriots are still fighting:

Several ex Presidents,

Several of the last few losers of the Presidential election. (Hillary, McCain, and Kerry to name a few.)

The Rothschild’s family and consequently all central banks worldwide

At least part of each of the Canadian, UK, German, Mexican, Russian, Chinese, and Australian governments,

The UN

A significant portion of the US bureaucracy that was at least partially established for the specific purpose to limit the power of these elected officials – The DOJ, FBI, IRS, Sec. of State to name a few,

An untold number of billionaires from the US and abroad and their massive companies – Google, Twitter, FB, and many of the industrial complex.

The rogue CIA (makers of several of the billionaires, and MSM)

A significant portion of the Judicial branch,

Most of the Legislative branch,

The Democrat party (really the whole duopolistic system)


George Soros and his bands of paid mercenaries

Coyotes, drug runners, and drug dealers, consequently Mexican and other organized crime syndicates

The medical bureaucracy (Big Pharma)

Supreme Court Judges and other Judges need to be put into place that will follow the rule of law

Now, what is happening today:

FLASHBACK: October 25, 2017 Washington Times – FEC complaint accuses Clinton campaign, DNC of violating campaign finance law with dossier payments . Published 9 months ago .

So, as it sits today, everything looks bad for POTUS, if you believe the corporate media, the deep state version of what is happening.
So let’s look at certain things objectively…
Awan “walks”, but his testimony (and likely the server) have been entered into evidence. Huber is in the on-deck circle, ready for his at bat against Awan. I like Huber’s odds.
Cohen has all sorts of delicious skeletons in the closet. The two nothing burger charges can not come back on POTUS, so let’s wait and see what other tasty morsels are revealed in due time. Don’t forget, it was Trump’s people that raided Cohen’s house and offices and I’m confident they seized exactly the things he pointed them to.
Lastly, Manafort just got arrested, tried, sentenced and jailed for THINGS HE DID TEN YEARS PRIOR TO JOINING A POLITICAL CAUSE.
FFS, even if I were a died-in-the-wool, progressive, Trump-hating, far left liberal, that type of “justice” would scare the shit out of me. Are you saying that if I get politically involved (regardless of affiliation), that I now live in a country whereby the other party can weaponize our own F_I or C_A to wiretap and spy on me, my family and my friends? Worse still, they can–with zero prior probable cause–dig into anyone’s entire life history and look for any wrongdoing regardless what it’s related to and/or when it happened?
This entire shit-show has been brilliant. It’s showing the Normies that the crimes the Dems committed before and after the election are ruinous to the Republic as a whole, and also worthy of prosecuting.
Soon, the hammer will pivot 180° when POTUS declassifies the 20 pages on the FISA warrant. That’s the first layer that gets peeled, but it’s the one that opens up the entire rest of the movie.
[RR] ,Rod Rosenstein, signed one of the extension requests; this forces the “big reveal” one way or the other: Either he was asked to do it because he’s been secretly working for white hats, both collecting evidence internally and “acting his part in the movie”, or he’s dirty as shit and this also takes down Mueller (and by extension, Comey).
Either way, the movie kicks into full gear. Huber begins unsealing, and–I hope–a couple video confessions of high profile criminals are played for the general public.
The next few weeks will likely be “slow” from the Anon’s perspective. For one, I’m fine with that. This is the time when Normies (sleepers) are being gently roused from their comas.
Don’t push others during this time, either. There’s NO NEED FOR RED PILLING RIGHT NOW. When the tsunami of truth hits, it will be so overwhelming, the Normies will wake up on their own. No need for us to get in the way; do not risk your relationships!
Q has this whole situation under control; it can not possibly play out any other way than what was promised, or it would lead to a disastrous revolt. We are good, friends, so get comfy and enjoy the show!
Now, here’s why the Q “movement” HAS to be real…
Because they have purposely gotten millions upon millions of smart, awakened people to find each other (albeit anonymously). The ONLY thing that scares the cabal is strength in numbers.
Q outed the evil people and we know who they are.
The moment this becomes apparent that we got played, we would self-doxx on 8ch, organize and revolt.
They knew it before they started their story. It is either 100% true or Plan B will get really ugly really fast!
Trust the Plan WWG1WGA

So, what will happen tomorrow? :
FISA to spy on Trump = FISA for NSA to Spy on Hillary

· Trump secretly recorded = Hillary secretly recorded

· Campaign Mgr Manafort = Campaign Mgr Podesta

· Manafort Trial = Podesta Trial

· Cohen offices raided = Perkins Coie offices raided

· Trump Attny Client Privilege waived by court = Hillary Attny Client Privilege waived by Court

flipping is not illegal Trump = flipping is not illegal Clinton

While the deep state/MSM is doing all of this to Trump , no one is saying a word in protest. They won’t be able to protest when it happens to Hillary but the difference is there has been no dirt found on Trump. They are laying to foundation so that deep state/MSM CANNOT OBJECT because they already did it all to Trump and found nothing. There will be plenty found at the DNC, Clinton Campaign, Clinton Foundation, DOJ, FBI... Whatever they are doing now cannot be complained about later or even fought against when they do it to them.

Trust the Plan WWG1WGA

'We Are One'


To the question in your title, my Magic 8-Ball says:

As I see it, yes

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